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  • may23
Art Connection: The Tranquility of Art
0.0 stars

In this episode of Art Connection, we check out a unique approach to calligraphy by the Japanese performance artist, Setsuhi Shiraish. Artist Sharon Gainsburg shares what she knows about her art, as well as what she knows about how to unlock the creative artist in all of us. Curator Alicia G. Longwell discusses the permanent collection of works by American impressionist William Merritt Chase at the Parrish Art Museum. And we see how the Frei family continues to apply medieval techniques to the craft of stained glass windows.

Arts and Humanities
Visual Art
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
Art Connection
Utah Education Network
Date Added:
Being in the Noh: An Introduction to Japanese Noh Plays
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Noh, the oldest surviving Japanese dramatic form, combines elements of dance, drama, music, and poetry into a highly stylized, aesthetic retelling of a well-known story from Japanese literature, such as The Tale of Genji or The Tale of the Heike. This lesson provides an introduction to the elements of Noh plays and to the text of two plays, and provides opportunities for students to compare the conventions of the Noh play with other dramatic forms with which they may already be familiar, such as the ancient Greek dramas of Sophocles. By reading classic examples of Noh plays, such as Atsumori, students will learn to identify the structure, characters, style, and stories typical to this form of drama. Students will expand their grasp of these conventions by using them to write the introduction to a Noh play of their own.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
National Endowment for the Humanities
Provider Set:
Individual Authors
Date Added:
Bright Spots in Math Education with McKell Withers and Greenwood Elementary Teachers (UEN Homeroom S4Ep16)
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

In this episode of UEN Homeroom,Dani and Matt are joined by ULEAD program director McKell Withers and the 6th grade teachers at Greenwood Elementary. Listen to learn more about the ULEAD education initiative and how these successful educators and their students have become "Bright Spots" in their school district.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Matthew Winters
Date Added:
Brittney Cummins - State of Education in Utah (UEN Homeroom S3Ep22)
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

Dani and Jared are excited to have Brittney Cummins, Senior Education Adviser to Governor Cox, as a guest on UEN Homeroom this week. Brittney provides us with the State of Education in Utah and she shares her experience in her new role helping education. Topics include: how educators are excelling in Utah, the roll that government plays in providing assistance to education, the Governor's education agenda moving forward, and how Utah schools are overcoming the pandemic.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Dr. Sydnee Dickson - Learn @ Home with the State Superintendent (UEN Homeroom S2Ep27)
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

UEN Homeroom is excited to welcome the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. Syndee Dickson, to be the final guest in our Learn @ Home series. As part of her role in guiding K-12 schools we talk with Dr. Dickson about the decisions leading up to the soft close of schools and the eventual decision to close in-person instruction for the rest of the school year. We also cover topics like preparing the state for distance learning for the past several years through the DTL program, how to help families and communities through services provided at the schools, and how to help schools return, recover, and reimagine education for the future.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Geography of Utah: Episode 08: Geography of Minorities
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

The significance of "Program #8: Geography of Minorities" is discussed in this full program from the 22-part video series THE GEOGRAPHY OF UTAH, conceived and written by Albert L. Fisher, PhD (University of Utah) in the early 1980s. Program Eight identifies the United States Census designated minorities of Utah--Spanish Origin, Black, Asian, and Pacific Islander. The history and early settlement patterns of these groups are discussed; and current trends in population, settlement patterns, education, economics, and culture are described. The entire GEOGRAPHY OF UTAH series encompasses the political, cultural, historical and sociological geography of the state of Utah. It describes the activities, the land and the people. Much of the video material was videotaped on location throughout the state of Utah, giving the student and interested viewer valuable field trip experiences. You will find that even though the series was produced several decades ago, Utah's issues and its landforms have virtually remained the same, although many of the players have changed.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Collections Multimedia Encyclopedia
Provider Set:
Geography of Utah (Full Episodes)
Fisher, Albert L. Ph.D.
Date Added:
Geography of Utah. The Geography of Utah Minorities. Reflections on Being Minorities in Utah.
0.0 stars

The significance of -- Reflections on Being Minorities in Utah -- is discussed in this media item extracted from the 22-part video series THE GEOGRAPHY OF UTAH, conceived and written by Albert L. Fisher, PhD (University of Utah). The series encompasses the political, cultural, historical and sociological geography of the state of Utah. It describes the activities, the land and the people. Much of the video material was videotaped on location throughout the state of Utah, giving the student and interested viewer valuable field trip experiences. === "The Geography of Utah Minorities" was a program produced in 1982 as part of the 22 part series, "The Geography of Utah." Comprehensive interviews were conducted with various representatives and members of minority groups within the state, including Spanish origin, Black, Asian, and Pacific Islander. Issues are discussed and opinions offered as comments are woven into a full half-hour of conversation and reflection on the being a Utah minority and living in the state. === PLAYING TIME OF VIDEO PROGRAM... 29min 38sec ===

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Collections Multimedia Encyclopedia
Provider Set:
Geography of Utah
Fisher, Albert L.
Date Added:
Hispanic Culture in Utah. Hecho en Utah (Made in Utah). Yvonne Miera Lindsay Sewing a Costume.
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

The folk art of -- Yvonne Miera Lindsay sewing a costume -- is showcased. Contributed by the Utah Arts Council Folk Art Program from their HISPANIC CULTURE IN UTAH archives and the book HECHO IN UTAH, singers, dancers, musicians, boat builders, wood carvers, and ceramists are included in photos, biographies, and audio clips.

Arts and Humanities
Social Science
Social Studies
Visual Art
Utah Collections Multimedia Encyclopedia
Provider Set:
Utah Place Names
Van Cott, John W.
Date Added:
A History of Chinese American Achievement: 3 - Chinese Americans Spread Their Wings
0.0 stars

Join host Archie Kao as he shares the incredible story of Chinese American Achievement, from the first wave of immigrants in California's gold fields to the entrepreneurs of the 21st century's Information Age. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1886 - San Francisco's Chinese American Laundry Men Sue for Equal Rights, 1887 - Doc Hay and Lung On Arrive on the Eastern Oregon Frontier, 1888 - Lue Gim Gong, Father of the Florida Citrus Industry, 1894 - Polly Bemis, an Angel in Idaho's Wilderness and 1906 - San Francisco Earthquake's Impacts on the Chinese American Community.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added:
A History of Chinese American Achievement: 5 - Chinese Americans Enter Mainstream Culture
0.0 stars

Join host Archie Kao as he shares the incredible story of Chinese American Achievement, from the first wave of immigrants in California's gold fields to the entrepreneurs of the 21st century's Information Age. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1935 - Katherine Cheung, the Chinese American "Amelia Earhart", 1938 - Charlie Low's Forbidden City Nightclub Showcases Chinese American Performers, 1939 - Wah Ming Chang Joins the Disney Studios, 1939 - Chinese Americans Answer the Call to Defend Democracy and 1943 - Magnuson Act Repeals the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added:
A History of Chinese American Achievement: 7 - America Embraces Chinese Culture
0.0 stars

Join host Archie Kao as he shares the incredible story of Chinese American Achievement, from the first wave of immigrants in California's gold fields to the entrepreneurs of the 21st century's Information Age. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1974 - Miriam Lee Fights to Legalize Traditional Chinese Medicine in America, 1975 -Kingston, Hwang, and Chang the New Wave of Chinese American Writers, 1982 - Maya Ying Lin Designs the Vietnam War Memorial and 1983 - Andrew and Peggy Cherng Found Panda Express.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added:
Introduction to Asian American Studies: Literature, Culture, and Historical Experience, Fall 2013
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course provides an overview of Asian American history and its relevance for contemporary issues. It covers the first wave of Asian immigration in the 19th century, the rise of anti-Asian movements, the experiences of Asian Americans during WWII, the emergence of the Asian American movement in the 1960s, and the new wave of post–1965 Asian immigration. The class examines the role these experiences played in the formation of Asian American ethnicity. The course addresses key societal issues such as racial stereotyping, media racism, affirmative action, the glass ceiling, the "model minority" syndrome, and anti-Asian harassment or violence. The course is taught in English.

Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Teng, Emma
Date Added:
Japanese-American Communities - - - Activity
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Activity: Students will be instructed regarding the Japanese community in Utah, emphasizing Japan Town in SLC. Students will be able to view this community via a Google Earth tour. The instructor will review the Japanese Church of Christ, the Salt Lake Buddhist Temple, and end the tour with a look at the Salt Palace Japanese Garden and reviewing photos from the North American Japanese Garden Association. After being able to see an example of Japanese architecture and landscaping, students will create their own Japanese-inspired communities by drawing or dioramas. Purpose: Students will get to learn about the cultural significance of Japanese buildings and landscaping and the significance of Japantown, SLC. Students will solidify their knowledge and show in a creative formative assessment what characterizes Japanese landscaping and architecture.  

Social Studies
Material Type:
Date Added:
Microsoft Educator Academy
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

Investing in teachers’ growth to help them be more effective is key to improving student learning. The reason: teacher quality has more impact on students than any school education program or policy does, and in fact, teacher effectiveness is the largest factor influencing student outcomes, outside of family background.

Educational Technology
Professional Learning
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Microsoft Education
Microsoft Education
Date Added:
Minecraft: Education Edition: Teacher Academy
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

Minecraft: Education Edition Teacher Academy is comprised of three sections and eleven modules which focus on the use of Minecraft: Education Edition as a teaching and learning tool designed to support strong pedagogical practices in the learning environment. The modules are divided into three sections intended for beginner, intermediate, and advanced users. At the end of this learning path, you will become a Minecraft Certified Teacher and receive the badge.

Educational Technology
Professional Learning
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Microsoft Education
Microsoft Education
Date Added:
PDTV: Digital Citizenship
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Join host Katie Blunt as she travels to South Salt Lake to meet with Will Pettit, a CTE teacher at Granite Park Junior High. In this episode, Mr. Pettit will share how he incorporates Digital Citizenship into his official curriculum and seamlessly integrates it into every class, using some of Utah's EdTech Competencies. Then, discover how you can also apply these competencies to your lessons.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Media Object
Date Added: