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  • A History of Achievement
A History of Black Achievement in America: 1 - Settling the New World and Founding the United States of America
0.0 stars

This original, eight-part series Downloadable docss Black Achievement in American history, its defining role in the growth of the country, and its influence on current events. The series highlights the many contributions of Black Americans that have influenced our culture, enriched our society with their achievements, and shaped the history of the United States. In this program, the following events are explained: 1619 - 1621 - Blacks Arrive at Jamestown, 1705 - The Virginia General Assembly Passes the Slave Codes, 1762 - Entrepreneur Samuel Fraunces Opens New York City's Most Cherished Revolutionary War Site: The Fraunces Tavern and 1770 - Crispus Attucks and the Black Patriots.

Social Science
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Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Black Achievement in America: 2 - Emergence of the Black Hero
0.0 stars

This original, eight-part series Downloadable docss Black Achievement in American history, its defining role in the growth of the country, and its influence on current events. The series highlights the many contributions of Black Americans that have influenced our culture, enriched our society with their achievements, and shaped the history of the United States. In this program, the following events are explained: 1772 - Chicago is Settled by Jean DuSable, 1776 - Lemuel Haynes Helps Lay the Foundation for Abolition, 1791 - The First Black Man of Science, Benjamin Banneker, Surveys Washington, D.C., 1821 - African Grove Theatre Founded in New York, 1822 - Denmark Vesey and the Slave Revolts, 1823 - Legendary Mountain Man James Beckwourth Enters the Rockies and 1849 - Harriet Tubman Uses Underground Railroad to Become Free.

Social Science
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Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Black Achievement in America: 3 - The Fight for Freedom
0.0 stars

This original, eight-part series Downloadable docss Black Achievement in American history, its defining role in the growth of the country, and its influence on current events. The series highlights the many contributions of Black Americans that have influenced our culture, enriched our society with their achievements, and shaped the history of the United States. In this program, the following events are explained: 1851 - Sojourner Truth Delivers Famous Ain't I a Woman Speech, 1854 - First Black University Founded: Lincoln University, 1855 - Frederick Douglass Publishes My Bondage and My Freedom, 1857 - Dred Scott Decision Helps Trigger the Civil War, 1863 - Lincoln Signs Emancipation Proclamation, 1863 - Black Regiment Storms Fort Wagner in the Civil War and 1865 - 1869 - 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments Establish Civil Rights for All.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Black Achievement in America: 4 - Blacks Enter the Gilded Age
0.0 stars

This original, eight-part series Downloadable docss Black Achievement in American history, its defining role in the growth of the country, and its influence on current events. The series highlights the many contributions of Black Americans that have influenced our culture, enriched our society with their achievements, and shaped the history of the United States. In this program, the following events are explained: 1875 - Robert Smalls, Former Slave, Elected to House, 1878 - The Black Cowboy and George McJunkin, 1881 - Booker T. Washington Opens Tuskegee Institute, 1884 - T. Thomas Fortune Prophesises the Long and Bitter Struggle for Equality, 1887 - Granville T. Woods, Called the "Black Edison", Patents the Induction Telegraph System, 1893 - Ida B. Wells-Barnett Crusades Against Black Lynching in America and 1896 - Plessy v. Ferguson Case Upholds Segregation.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Black Achievement in America: 5 - The Foundation for Equality
0.0 stars

This original, eight-part series Downloadable docss Black Achievement in American history, its defining role in the growth of the country, and its influence on current events. The series highlights the many contributions of Black Americans that have influenced our culture, enriched our society with their achievements, and shaped the history of the United States. In this program, the following events are explained: 1904 - Scott Joplin and Ma Rainey Initiate the Merger of Two Cultures, 1909 - Matthew Henson Discovers the North Pole, 1909 - W.E.B. DuBois Founds the NAACP, 1924 - George Washington Carver Renaissance Man, 1925 - Alain Locke Leads Harlem Renaissance and 1926 - Satchel Paige Stars in the National Negro Baseball League.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Black Achievement in America: 6 - Depression and War
0.0 stars

This original, eight-part series Downloadable docss Black Achievement in American history, its defining role in the growth of the country, and its influence on current events. The series highlights the many contributions of Black Americans that have influenced our culture, enriched our society with their achievements, and shaped the history of the United States. In this program, the following events are explained: 1935 - Mary McLeod Bethune: American Woman of the 20th Century, 1936 - 1938 - Jesse Owens And Joe Louis Debunk Hitler's Claim of Aryan Superiority, 1939 - Hattie McDaniel Wins the Oscar, 1940 - First Black General, Benjamin O. Davis Sr., is Stepping Stone to Desegregation of U.S. Army and 1943 - Duke Ellington's Band Performs Black, Brown and Beige at Carnegie Hall.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Black Achievement in America: 7 - Civil Rights
0.0 stars

This original, eight-part series Downloadable docss Black Achievement in American history, its defining role in the growth of the country, and its influence on current events. The series highlights the many contributions of Black Americans that have influenced our culture, enriched our society with their achievements, and shaped the history of the United States. In this program, the following events are explained: 1950 - Ralph Bunche Wins the Nobel Peace Prize
1950 - Gwendolyn Brooks Becomes the First Black Recipient of the Pulitzer Prize, 1954 - Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, 1955 - Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat to a White Passenger on a Montgomery Bus, 1956 - Althea Gibson, First Black Woman To Win a Tennis Grand Slam Event, 1959 - Lorraine Hansberry's Play A Raisin in the Sun is Produced and 1963 - Martin Luther King Jr. Delivers his "I Have a Dream" Speech.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Black Achievement in America: 8 - A New Age
0.0 stars

This original, eight-part series Downloadable docss Black Achievement in American history, its defining role in the growth of the country, and its influence on current events. The series highlights the many contributions of Black Americans that have influenced our culture, enriched our society with their achievements, and shaped the history of the United States. In this program, the following events are explained: 1967 - Muhammad Ali Refuses Induction into the U.S. Army on Religious Grounds, 1967 - Thurgood Marshall, First Black U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1977 - Alex Haley's Roots: The Saga of an American FamilyAppears on TV, 2001 - Colin Powell Appointed Secretary of State and 2004 - Neil deGrasse Tyson Becomes Astrophysics' Superstar.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Chinese American Achievement: 2 - Exclusion and Acceptance
0.0 stars

Join host Archie Kao as he shares the incredible story of Chinese American Achievement, from the first wave of immigrants in California's gold fields to the entrepreneurs of the 21st century's Information Age. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1854 - Yung Wing Becomes the First Chinese American to Graduate from a U.S. College, 1854 - Chinese Six Companies Represent All Chinese in the United States, 1862 - Chinese Americans Distinguish Themselves in the American Civil War, 1865 - Chinese American Laborers Build the Transcontinental Railroad, 1882 - Congress Passes the Chinese Exclusion Act and 1884 - Joseph and Mary Tape Successfully Challenge San Francisco Public Schools.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Chinese American Achievement: 3 - Chinese Americans Spread Their Wings
0.0 stars

Join host Archie Kao as he shares the incredible story of Chinese American Achievement, from the first wave of immigrants in California's gold fields to the entrepreneurs of the 21st century's Information Age. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1886 - San Francisco's Chinese American Laundry Men Sue for Equal Rights, 1887 - Doc Hay and Lung On Arrive on the Eastern Oregon Frontier, 1888 - Lue Gim Gong, Father of the Florida Citrus Industry, 1894 - Polly Bemis, an Angel in Idaho's Wilderness and 1906 - San Francisco Earthquake's Impacts on the Chinese American Community.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Chinese American Achievement: 4 - A New Chinese American Identity Emerges
0.0 stars

Join host Archie Kao as he shares the incredible story of Chinese American Achievement, from the first wave of immigrants in California's gold fields to the entrepreneurs of the 21st century's Information Age. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1911 - U.S. Citizen Sun Yat-Sen Becomes China's First President, 1921 - Anna May Wong, First Chinese American Female Hollywood Star, 1926 - You Chung Hong Leads the Fight for Chinese American Civil Rights and 1935 - Eddy See Initiates Chinese American Artistic Movement.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Chinese American Achievement: 5 - Chinese Americans Enter Mainstream Culture
0.0 stars

Join host Archie Kao as he shares the incredible story of Chinese American Achievement, from the first wave of immigrants in California's gold fields to the entrepreneurs of the 21st century's Information Age. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1935 - Katherine Cheung, the Chinese American "Amelia Earhart", 1938 - Charlie Low's Forbidden City Nightclub Showcases Chinese American Performers, 1939 - Wah Ming Chang Joins the Disney Studios, 1939 - Chinese Americans Answer the Call to Defend Democracy and 1943 - Magnuson Act Repeals the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Chinese American Achievement: 6 - The Chinese American Super Achievers
0.0 stars

Join host Archie Kao as he shares the incredible story of Chinese American Achievement, from the first wave of immigrants in California's gold fields to the entrepreneurs of the 21st century's Information Age. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1946 - Chinese Americans Breakthrough into U.S. Politics, 1957 - Chen Ning Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee Win the Nobel Prize in Physics, 1961 - I.M. Pei Designs Avant Garde NCAR Building in Boulder, Colorado, 1962 - F. Chow Chan Founds First Chinese American Bank and 1971 - Bruce Lee Brings Martial Arts into American Culture.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Chinese American Achievement: 7 - America Embraces Chinese Culture
0.0 stars

Join host Archie Kao as he shares the incredible story of Chinese American Achievement, from the first wave of immigrants in California's gold fields to the entrepreneurs of the 21st century's Information Age. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1974 - Miriam Lee Fights to Legalize Traditional Chinese Medicine in America, 1975 -Kingston, Hwang, and Chang the New Wave of Chinese American Writers, 1982 - Maya Ying Lin Designs the Vietnam War Memorial and 1983 - Andrew and Peggy Cherng Found Panda Express.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Chinese American Achievement: 8 - The Modern Chinese American
0.0 stars

Join host Archie Kao as he shares the incredible story of Chinese American Achievement, from the first wave of immigrants in California's gold fields to the entrepreneurs of the 21st century's Information Age. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1985 - Yo -Yo Ma Wins First Grammy, 1989 - Amy Tan Writes The Joy Luck Club, 1989 - Chinese Americans Excel at Sports, 1991 - John Sie Founds Cable Powerhouse Starz Encore, 1994 - Jerry Yang Co-founds Yahoo!, 1996 - Time Magazine's Man of the Year is AIDS Researcher David Ho and 2006 - Astronaut Dr. Leroy Chiao Fulfills Childhood Dream.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Hispanic Achievement in America: 1 - Spain Comes to the New World
0.0 stars

"A History of Hispanic Achievement in America" is a rich history that started 500 years ago when Christopher Columbus stepped ashore in the new world. It is a history of unsurpassed achievements ... of heroic exploits ... of unflagging courage ... and remarkable exploration. This program highlights the following events: 1492 - Christopher Columbus Arrives in the New World, 1513 - Ponce de Leon Discovers Florida, 1514 - Bartolom de las Casas Establishes Anti-Racism Policy in Spanish Colonies and 1519 - Hernan Cortes Brings Horses from Spain to the Americas.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Hispanic Achievement in America: 2 - Spanish American Exploration and Colonization
0.0 stars

"A History of Hispanic Achievement in America" is a rich history that started 500 years ago when Christopher Columbus stepped ashore in the new world. It is a history of unsurpassed achievements ... of heroic exploits ... of unflagging courage ... and remarkable exploration. This program highlights the following events: 1539 - Hernando De Soto Explores Southern U.S., 1540 - Francisco Vasques de Coronado Maps America's Southwest, 1565 - Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles Founds Florida's St. Augustine, 1608 - Juan De Onate Expedition Establishes Santa Fe, New Mexico and 1711 - Gallegos Family, Pioneers of the Desert Southwest.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Hispanic Achievement in America: 3 - Spanish Americans Move Toward Independence
0.0 stars

"A History of Hispanic Achievement in America" is a rich history that started 500 years ago when Christopher Columbus stepped ashore in the new world. It is a history of unsurpassed achievements ... of heroic exploits ... of unflagging courage ... and remarkable exploration. This program highlights the following events: 1720 - Father Antonio Margil de Jesus Helps Found San Antonio, Texas, 1740 - Governor Manuel de Montiano Defends St. Augustine Against English Attack, 1769 - Junipero Serra Founds a Mission in San Diego, 1779 - Bernardo de Galvez Leads Spanish Forces Against Britain In America's Fight For Freedom and 1810 - Spain's North American Colonists Begin Forging an American Hispanic Identity.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added:
A History of Hispanic Achievement in America: 4 - A New Hispanic Identity Emerges
0.0 stars

"A History of Hispanic Achievement in America" is a rich history that started 500 years ago when Christopher Columbus stepped ashore in the new world. It is a history of unsurpassed achievements ... of heroic exploits ... of unflagging courage ... and remarkable exploration. This program highlights the following events: 1819 - Luis de Onis Prevents a War Between Spain and the United States, 1821 - Don Facundo Melgares Inaugurates Trade on the Santa Fe Trail, 1836 - Jos Antonio Navarro and Lorenzo de Zavala, Founding Fathers of the Texas Republic, 1836 - Juan Seguin Stands with Americans at the Battle of the Alamo and 1836 - Juana Briones Establishes San Francisco.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added:
A History of Hispanic Achievement in America: 5 - Hispanics Become United States Citizens
0.0 stars

"A History of Hispanic Achievement in America" is a rich history that started 500 years ago when Christopher Columbus stepped ashore in the new world. It is a history of unsurpassed achievements ... of heroic exploits ... of unflagging courage ... and remarkable exploration. This program highlights the following events: 1848 - The Treaty Guadalupe Hidalgo Cedes Mexican Southwest to the United States, 1853 - Joaquin Murieta Becomes the Inspiration for the Cisco Kid and Zorro, 1855 - Francisco Ramirez Founds the First Spanish Language Newspaper in Los Angeles, 1862 - Indian Fighter Rafael Chacon and Kit Carson Defeat the Navajo, 1863 - Hispanics Distinguish Themselves in the American Civil War, 1866 - David Farragut Becomes the First Admiral in the U.S. Navy and 1866 - Mexican Vaqueros Begin the American Cowboy Tradition.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added: