This article provides background information that will help teachers present the science …
This article provides background information that will help teachers present the science associated with the study of climate, past, present and future. The magazine Beyond Weather and the Water Cycle is structured around the recognized principles of climate literacy. The author explains the science concepts included in the principle related to climate study and research and also identifies additional sources of information.
This issue of the free online magazine, Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears, …
This issue of the free online magazine, Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears, explores glaciers, wind, water, and volcanoes and their role in shaping the landscape of the polar regions.
A pluton is formed when a large pool of magma builds up …
A pluton is formed when a large pool of magma builds up under the surface and raises the surface above it. When the pool of magma hardens a pluton forms.
This article assembles free resources from the Earth's Changing Surface issue of …
This article assembles free resources from the Earth's Changing Surface issue of the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears cyberzine into a unit outline based on the 5E learning cycle framework. Outlines are provided for Grades K-2 and 3-5.
This list of carefully selected books for grades K-5 highlights nonfiction about …
This list of carefully selected books for grades K-5 highlights nonfiction about climate proxies, those preserved physical characteristics, such as fossils, that scientists use to reconstruct past climates. Also highlighted are a few books that provide information about two past climatic events -- the last ice age and the Dust Bowl. In each issue of the free, online magazine Beyond Weather and the Water Cycle, the virtual bookshelf recommends books that accurately portray the theme drawn from the principles of climate sciences.
Earth's axis is tilted at 23.5 degrees. As Earth revolves around the …
Earth's axis is tilted at 23.5 degrees. As Earth revolves around the sun, its axis always points at the same angle, but the direction it points in relation to the sun changes, resulting in different seasons.
This lesson plan explains earth's four spheres to students. Students will answer …
This lesson plan explains earth's four spheres to students. Students will answer questions in a whole class discussion about the spheres and will show they have mastered the concept by drawing pictures and explaining how the earth's spheres can interact with each other. This would be recommended as the first lesson in teaching Interactions with Earths Systems. Credit for Photo: "Earth Day 2008" by Ashish Lohorung is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
Science Phenomena: HS Physical Science - Energy (Phys 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) - An Earthship is a passive solar house that is designed to be off the electrical grid. It is generally constructed with natural and recycled materials. Much of the structure of the house is made with recycled tires that are filled with dirt. Thermal mass from the dirt, solar energy from the Sun, and cross-ventilation are used to keep the temperature within the house in a comfortable zone. This phenomenon can be used study thermal energy transfer, energy conservation, and human sustainability.
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