- Subject:
- Professional Learning
- Material Type:
- Teaching/Learning Strategy
- Provider:
- Reimagine Teaching
- Provider Set:
- Blackboard Accessbility
- Date Added:
- 12/07/2020
Every iPad includes built-in assistive features that support your vision, hearing, motor skills, learning, and literacy. In this video, you’ll learn how features such as eseak Screen, Safari Reader, and eseech Controller enable reading fluency, comprehension, and composition for every learning style.
In this eMedia update, Katie Blunt walks us through the different accessibility tools offered on the eMedia site. We learn how to access resources with accessibility features and how to customize the site for easier navigating.
Open Educational Resources (OER) offer opportunities for increasing equity and access to high-quality K–12 education. To help states, districts, teachers, and other users determine the degree of alignment of OER to the Core State Standards and to determine aspects of the quality of OER, Achieve has developed eight rubrics in collaboration with leaders from the OER community. The Achieve OER rubric is the evaluation tool built into the eMedia platform, allowing any Utah educator to evaluate resources in the database. This PDF file explains the rubrics.
A brief guide to engaging students in narrative writing by having them program robots to act out their stories.
Website from the NCCSE to guide teachers to increase equity in recruiting students to CS classes.
Selected resources provide three web-based activities to complement science lessons in an issue of Beyond Weather and the Water Cycle. The free, online magazine for Grades K-5 teachers explores the essential principles of climate literacy.
Adam McMickell, Director of Student Achievement in Ogden School District, joins us to talk about personalized learning in Ogden. In this episode we discuss what professional development should look like, how does badging and certifications play a role in professional learning, and how Ogden is trying to meet the needs of their teachers by giving them a personalized approach to learning.
As a Google Admin, learn how to add or delete email aliases.
This is a Google website with resources for using Animate from Audio found in Adobe Express. It includes videos, student samples, and ideas for using Animate from Audio with students.
This guide is organized by commonly experienced challenges (e .g ., lack of modeling) to teachers implementing evidence-based adolescent literacy practices with fidelity. Also provided are an explanation of each challenge and resources from established organizations and research centers that instructional leaders can use to address these challenges .
EDSITEment brings online humanities resources directly to the classroom through exemplary lesson plans and student activities. EDSITEment develops AP level lessons based on elementary source documents that cover the most frequently taught topics and themes in American history. Many of these lessons were developed by teachers and scholars associated with the City University of New York and Ashland University.
This report offers guidance – including practical advice – to education leaders and teachers in redesigning schools and classrooms by centering on learner agency, through a shift in the ownership of learning. It also provides clarity around the definition and meaning of learner agency and addresses the implications for high-quality practices in new learning models.
As a Google Admin, learn how to allow users to create and share Shared Drives.
This week in UEN Homeroom we're pleased to welcome Amanda Del Balso, Manager of the Google Certified Coaching Program, and Chris Leighty, an Instructional Coach from Oklahoma. Our conversation centered around the new Google Certified Coaching Program and how it can help improve classroom instruction. As part of the conversation, we discussed how coaching provides teachers with the support they need, the role Google can play to help educators, and we learned about the Google Certified Coaching curriculum.
In one of our Lost Episodes, Jared and Dani connect with Amanda Souza, Manager of Community Partnerships for the Southwest with Girls Who Code. During our conversation we cover topics including: the role that Girls Who Code plays in Utah, the need for gender equity in computer programming, the skills that students develop in Girls Who Code, and the need for teachers and schools to get involved in teaching computer programming to students.
UEN Homeroom wants to help you get burned in with education. This week we welcome Amber Harper, the Burned In Teacher, to talk about teacher burnout and how to re-energize educators. Our topics include: the reasons that teachers suffer from burnout, the three types of burnout and their characteristics, how to overcome anxiety and frustration as a teacher and more.