Find contact information for your local Utah school district's preschool program!
- Subject:
- Professional Learning
- Material Type:
- Reading
- Provider:
- Utah State Board of Education
- Provider Set:
- Early Learning
- Date Added:
- 08/30/2022
Find contact information for your local Utah school district's preschool program!
El documento para edades de 3 a 5 años es para brindar a los administradores, profesionales de la primera infancia y familias de estudiantes en edad preescolar orientación y recursos con respecto a los estándares y metas apropiados para el desarrollo de niños pequeños y estudiantes.
Deepen your understanding in the English Language Arts standards by reading research on developmentally appropriate practice.This module will include ideas of how you can implement these standards into your daily lessons, and allows you to learn at your own pace.
Find strategies and activities that you can use in the classroom that tie directly to the Early learning Preschool core standards.
Find strategies and activities that you can use in the classroom that tie directly to the Early learning Preschool core standards.
Find strategies and activities that you can use in the classroom that tie directly to the Early learning Preschool core standards.
Learn about what makes a high-quailty preschool program.
Learn about kindergarten readiness, activities for learning at home for those who are ready for kindergarten-level learning, and frequently asked questions about kindergarten.
Find strategies and activities that you can use in the classroom that tie directly to the Early learning Preschool core standards.
Find strategies and activities that you can use in the classroom that tie directly to the Early learning Preschool core standards.
Utah's Pre-kindergarten Entry and Exit Profile (PEEP) is intended to inform various stakeholders, such as parents, teachers, and leadership, on the academic and essential for entering and exiting pre-kindergarten students. This sit has the manuals, training on administering the PEEP, and reports.
Join our Listserv to keep updated on all preschool professional happenings in Utah!
Learn more about the Utah School Readiness Grants here
Find strategies and activities that you can use in the classroom that tie directly to the Early learning Preschool core standards.
This web page contains preschool special education technical assistance resources for administrations, teachers and families. These resources are organized according to the three federal early childhood indicators of the State Performance Plan (34 CFR § 300.601; USBE Special Education Rule VIII.E.). School districts are required to provide special education preschool services to students ages 3-5 who reside in their school district boundaries and who are eligible for special education services (34 CFR § 300.800; USBE Special Education Rule VIII.Q.). If you would like to know more and/or request an evaluation, contact your school district’s special education department.
Our learning intentions and success criteria for this course are:
Identify 2 possible strategies to make families comfortable in your program
Identify at least 2 effective listening strategies
Make a measurable goal to utilize these strategies with families in your program
You should expect this course to take no more than 20-40 minutes of on-screen learning time, with at least a few weeks of real-life work on a family engagement goal of your choice.
You can find which public school district you are zoned for using this interactive map.
The Dyslexia Handbook offers guidance, resources, and appropriate supports and interventions for readers with dyslexia. It is also a communication tool for educators and parents to work together. Our hope is that both educators and parents will use the ideas and techniques in the handbook as a team. It is vitally important that struggling readers not give up on themselves; it is just as important that we as educators and parents assist and empower students with dyslexia to enter the world of reading feeling empowered and prepared for their future.
The Utah State Board of Education’s Strategic Plan provides a shared vision for the future of Utah’s education system. It identifies a vision for Utah students upon completion through a vision statement and the characteristics outlined in the Portrait of a Graduate. The plan further provides goals that reflect ambitious outcomes we aim for the system to provide for each student and high-leverage strategies to align efforts toward impacting each goal. The plan also orients USBE’s efforts internally as we focus on our mission of creating the conditions for equitable student success
Utah's Early Learning Core Standards give guidance and
resources regarding developmentally appropriate standards and goals for young children and