This is a quick, fun lesson teaching students the importance of stories …
This is a quick, fun lesson teaching students the importance of stories and how to make their own digital story. They will be able to demonstrate their understaning of key concepts.
This lesson plan is to help learners form an opinion and find …
This lesson plan is to help learners form an opinion and find evidence to support their opinion with picture evidence. Because it requires little writing, it is a great lesson to start an opinion writing unit.
This lesson utilizes the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray …
This lesson utilizes the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation (UIT) tale, “The Eye Juggler Coyote” to enhance comprehension skills, provide an introduction to how force affects motion and give information about the UIT. The students will read the tale and then use the story to learn about gravity and balanced forces. The connection of the Ute people to the bison will also be explored. The Ute people tell stories about Coyote and other animals to their children. Based on Coyote’s mistakes, the elders teach children about proper behavior and positive attitudes. The lessons learned help them avoid making the same mistakes Coyote made and suffering the consequences in their own lives.
This lesson is for preschool children to showcase their fine motor projects. …
This lesson is for preschool children to showcase their fine motor projects. Students will take photos using the classroom iPad and a college will be made to hang in the fine motor area to showcase student work and to be an inspiration board for other students.This project will be connected to our letter of the day.
This lesson plan teaches students about the habitats found around the world …
This lesson plan teaches students about the habitats found around the world and encourages digital fluency by requiring them to explore digital resourses and create an Adobe Photo Page. First, students will question, discuss, view, explore, read, and research to build their knowledge. Then they will demonstrate this knowlege by choosing a habitiat, selecting appropriate photos, adding descriptive informational text, and providing correct citations to their projects. They will then publish and share their projects with their peers. Intro Image Citation:Nambia Desert Sand, By FuN_Lucky, PixaBay License
This is a computer science lesson plan created by educators in the …
This is a computer science lesson plan created by educators in the South Sanpete School District. After reading Hello Ruby: Expedition to the Internet, students will answer several questions to determine the key details of the text. Afterward, students will create a puzzle in which they demonstrate how people are connected to others and information through an internet network. The lesson is designed for kindergarten and includes modifications for grades 2-3.
According to Paiute legend, the hawk and the coyote were not always …
According to Paiute legend, the hawk and the coyote were not always animals as we see them now. Long ago, they were people, like you and me. The hawk was known as Kuhsawv, and the coyote was known as Soonungwuv. Coyote tales are part of the Paiute oral tradition used to teach proper behavio, natural phenomenon and values from an early age. These stories are only told during the winter time. The Coyote illustrates the mischievous nature in all of us. Students will listen to a Paiute tale and learn about folktales. They will also be introduced to the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, the location and how tribal members are working to preserve their language and culture. Students will also learn about how external structures and adaptations of animals help them to survive in their environment through a group activity.
Over the course of a few days, students will learn to identify characters from …
Over the course of a few days, students will learn to identify characters from stories. Students will identify a character from a book they have read. They will draw their character, take a picture of their drawing, and create a post in Adobe Creative Cloud Express on their character. They will then get to present their post in small groups.
Over the course of a week, each student will use an iPad …
Over the course of a week, each student will use an iPad to express their opinion on their favorite food through drawings/photos, written and spoken words. The teacher can combine the pages and recordings to create a class book read and explained from the students.
Teachers will show the Scholastic video "Knuffle Bunny; A Cautionary Tale" by …
Teachers will show the Scholastic video "Knuffle Bunny; A Cautionary Tale" by Mo WIllems on eMedia or read the story to their students. Students will then cut and paste characters, setting, and plot points from the story into the correct category on a worksheet.
Ever need help explaining poetry to your class? This Nearpod does a …
Ever need help explaining poetry to your class? This Nearpod does a great job of explaining poetry in kid friendly language. It is interactive, and helps the students apply what they are learning with pointed and timely questions.
This lesson is an Apple technology integrated lesson designed to help students …
This lesson is an Apple technology integrated lesson designed to help students practice reading for accuracy, fluency and expression. Students will practice an perform a readers theater or choral reading of their choice and record it with sound effects for a finished product.
This is a fun lesson plan is meant to help students master …
This is a fun lesson plan is meant to help students master the ability to retell a story with a beginning middle and end, and identify important characters and settings in the story. It will also help students learn the very basics of film making including story boarding, creating props and scenery, the importance or lighting and camera placement, copyright, and audio.
This is a lesson plan created to help students learn how to …
This is a lesson plan created to help students learn how to retell the events of a story using first, next, then, and last using the story The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. Students are also learning the life cycle of a seed.
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