Fine Arts

Welcome to the Fine Arts Hub where you can access high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Fine Arts standards.

About Hub

"Creativity is now as important in education as literacy" -- Sir Ken Robinson

A well-rounded education includes the arts. The fine arts provide a place for students to explore new ideas, take appropriate risks, creatively problem solve, collaborate, develop aesthetic awareness, explore the world and other cultures, and to express oneself.

The Utah Core standards are organized into strands, which represent significant areas of learning within content areas. The Fine Arts have four strands: Create, Perform/Present/ Produce, Respond, and Connect. These four strands provide the framework for a comprehensive experience in each of the five art forms: Dance, Drama/Theatre, Media Arts, Music, and Visual Arts.

--Utah State Board of Education, Fine Arts

Recommended Collections

The following collections contain recommended Fine Arts lessons, activities, and other resources. They have been organized by grade level and art form to assist you in quickly finding the best resources for your classroom.


Join a group to collaborate with Fine Arts educators from around the state. Share resources, discuss lessons, and make new connections.

Professional Learning


    Want to learn more about Fine Arts education in Utah? Explore the following programs and professional learning opportunities on the USBE Fine Arts webpage.