This lesson attempts to walk students through the iterative development process of …
This lesson attempts to walk students through the iterative development process of building an app (basically) from scratch that involves the use of `if` statements. Following an imaginary conversation between two characters - Alexis and Michael - students follow the problem solving and program design decisions they make for each step of constructing the app. Along the way they decide when and how to break things down into functions, and of course discuss the logic necessary to make a simple game.
The last step - writing code that executes an end-of-game condition - students must do on their own. How they decide to use `if` statements to end the game will require some creativity. The suggested condition - first to score 10 points - is subtly tricky and can be written many different ways.
At the conclusion of the lesson there are three practice Create PT-style questions as well as resources explaining the connection between this lesson and the actual Create PT. Depending on how you use these materials they can easily add an additional day to this lesson.
Students will recognize that computer science is so important because it can …
Students will recognize that computer science is so important because it can be found in almost every career. Don't wait, start learning how to code today.
Exploring Computer Science is a yearlong course developed around a framework of …
Exploring Computer Science is a yearlong course developed around a framework of both computer science content and computational practice. Assignments and instruction are contextualized to be socially relevant and meaningful for diverse students. Units utilize a variety of tools/platforms and culminate with final projects around Human-Computer Interaction, Problem Solving, Web Design (HTML, CSS), Programming (Scratch, Edware), Computing & Data Analysis, and Robotics. ECS is recognized nationally as a preparatory course for AP Computer Science Principles. Watch this video and view this fact sheet for more information.
In this lesson, students will take turns using the Four Button Protocol …
In this lesson, students will take turns using the Four Button Protocol to retell popular fairy tales by sequencing four to six events. The lesson is flexible enough to accommodate any narrative, such as More-igami, and others students are studying during their Reading and Writing Workshop!
In this introductory lesson, students transfer their background knowledge from programming Bee-Bots …
In this introductory lesson, students transfer their background knowledge from programming Bee-Bots to programming in Scratch Jr. They learn to initialize their sprites with a Green Flag, Go Home and sequence blue and purple blocks to solve the Friendly Playground Challenge.
This lesson focuses on the biggest problem faced by any young programmer …
This lesson focuses on the biggest problem faced by any young programmer - i.e. the LOGIC BUILDING required while solving a particular problem. With programming, the solution to a particular problem lies in the head, but one is unable to convert it into a computer program. This is because the thought processes of a human are much faster than the sense of observation. If this thought process could be slowed down, logic to solve a programming problem could be found very easily. This lesson focuses on converting this psychological thought process in a step-by -step logic fashion that a computer program can understand. This lesson is recorded in a kitchen where the basic programming concepts are taught by giving examples from the process of making a mango milk shake. This lesson teaches the 4 following techniques: 1) Swapping two variables by swapping a glass of milk with a glass of crushed ice; 2) Finding max from an array by finding the biggest mango; 3) Sorting an array by arranging the jars; and 4) Understanding the concept of a function, parameters and return type by comparing it with the blender/juicer. The lesson targets those students who know the syntax of programming in any language (C or GWBASIC preferred), but are unable to build the logic for a program. It can be taught in a class of 45 to 50 minutes.
This lesson is also available in Mandarin Chinese.
The goal of is to bring computer science to every K-12 …
The goal of is to bring computer science to every K-12 school in the United States, especially in urban and rural neighborhoods. They provide free workshops, lessons, and videos to help educators to students the basics of coding.
This is a fast-paced introductory course to the C++ programming language. It …
This is a fast-paced introductory course to the C++ programming language. It is intended for those with little programming background, though prior programming experience will make it easier, and those with previous experience will still learn C++-specific constructs and concepts.
Developed by the NYCDOE CS education team, the Introduction to Computational Media …
Developed by the NYCDOE CS education team, the Introduction to Computational Media is a yearlong (108 hours) creative computing course for high schools using the open source Javascript library p5.js. By understanding how code can be a medium for creative expression, students will learn the fundamentals of computer science while designing and prototyping interactive projects that run on a browser. Additionally, students will learn how HTML/CSS elements can interact with p5.js to fully take advantage of developing content for a browser. This course has been implemented in NYC schools via CS4All’s Software Engineering Program (SEP), revised by classroom teachers with guidance from the Processing Foundation, and aligns with the CS4All Blueprint for CS education that emphasizes a hands-on CS approach called creative computing. Watch this video and view this fact sheet for more information.
This course is an introduction to software engineering, using the Java™ programming …
This course is an introduction to software engineering, using the Java™ programming language. It covers concepts useful to 6.005. Students will learn the fundamentals of Java. The focus is on developing high quality, working software that solves real problems.
The Software Engineering Program (SEP) is a multi-year, comprehensive, standards-aligned computer science …
The Software Engineering Program (SEP) is a multi-year, comprehensive, standards-aligned computer science education program for grades 6 to 12. The goals of the program are:
-Increase the number of high school graduates, particularly from traditionally underrepresented groups, that are ready to pursue new and emerging technology-driven roles across industries.
-Develop student computational thinking and problem-solving skills in real-world contexts.
The SEP curriculum gives students instruction and experience in the following areas: computer programming, robotics, web design, physical computing, and game design. SEP students participate in local and central hackathons, and in work-based experiences with major industry leaders and partners.
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