Use this Lesson following The Ratification Debate on the Constitution Narrative.
- Subject:
- Social Science
- Social Studies
- Material Type:
- Lesson Plan
- Provider:
- Bill of Rights Institute
- Date Added:
- 09/12/2022
Use this Lesson following The Ratification Debate on the Constitution Narrative.
Use this lesson after reading The Constitutional Convention Narrative and/or the Constitutional Convention Lesson.
This 14 day Unit Plan integrates the Utah Core Standards for Language Arts and for Reading and Writing in History/Social Studies with the existing Utah Social Studies Standards. The students read, research, draw conclusions, and write beginning level argumentative essays comparing/contrasting major world religions. For a more thorough summary see the Background For Teachers section.
This 14 day Unit Plan integrates the Utah Core Standards for Language Arts and for Reading and Writing in History/Social Studies with the existing Utah Social Studies Standards. The students read, research, draw conclusions, and write beginning level argumentative essays comparing/contrasting major world religions. For a more thorough summary see the Background For Teachers section.
In this 28 day unit, students will gain background information on historic wars, compare different genres' presentations of events, recognize different points of view, research an essential question, compile evidence, create warrants that lead to a claim which answers the essential question, and write an argumentative essay.
Students will discover a policy within their school or district that is important to them and that they'd like to change. They will conduct an investigation of the policy in question and write a letter with their claim, results, and recommendation to the appropriate audience.
What happens when the world’s greatest harpist gets thrown into the sea by jealous pirates? Find out in the YourClassical Storytime telling of the ancient Greek myth Arion and the Dolphin, with art and narration by Ana Freeberg and Ally Thompson, and enchanting harp music performed by Susann McDonald.
Remember your multiplication tables? ... me neither. Brush up on your multiplication, division, and factoring skills with this exciting game. No calculators allowed! The students will be given mutiplication and division problems which they must answer. They also have the option of being given a number then stating the factors of how that number was attained using either multiplication or division.
Remember your multiplication tables? ... me neither. Brush up on your multiplication, division, and factoring skills with this exciting game. No calculators allowed!
This arithmetic lesson demonstrates more long division problems with remainders.[Arithmetic playlist: Lesson 26 of 38]
You get the general idea of decimal is and what the digits in different places represent (place value). Now you're ready to do something with the decimals. Adding and subtracting is a good place to start. This will allow you to add your family's expenses to figure out if your little brother is laundering money (perhaps literally). Have fun! Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.B.7
You get the general idea of decimal is and what the digits in different places represent (place value). Now you're ready to do something with the decimals. Adding and subtracting is a good place to start. This will allow you to add your family's expenses to figure out if your little brother is laundering money (perhaps literally). Have fun! Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.B.7
You get the general idea of decimal is and what the digits in different places represent (place value). Now you're ready to do something with the decimals. Adding and subtracting is a good place to start. This will allow you to add your family's expenses to figure out if your little brother is laundering money (perhaps literally). Have fun! Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.B.7
In this tutorial, we'll extend our division skills to include decimals! Common Core Standard 5.NBT.B.7
In this tutorial, we'll extend our division skills to include decimals! Common Core Standard 5.NBT.B.8
In this tutorial, we'll extend our division skills to include decimals! Common Core Standard 5.NBT.B.9
In this tutorial, we'll extend our division skills to include decimals! Common Core Standard 5.NBT.B.10
In this tutorial, we'll extend our division skills to include decimals! Common Core Standard 5.NBT.B.11
Let's learn to divide any whole number by any other! Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.B.6
Let's learn to divide any whole number by any other! Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.B.7