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  • Sociology
Strange Fruit: Abel and Billie
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

This video segment explores how the song Strange Fruit became one of the best-known and most enduring songs of protest. In 1939, the legendary blues singer Billie Holiday performed the song as a daring criticism of the commonplace practice of the lynching of African-Americans. Civil rights groups such as the NAACP had made countless appeals, but it was Holiday’s haunting rendition that made it impossible for white Americans and lawmakers to ignore the widespread crime.

A second video segment includes the story of Abel Meeropol, son of Russian Jewish immigrants and a high school English teacher in the Bronx neighborhood where he was born, wrote a poem entitled Strange Fruit. This video discusses how the poem would later be performed by the legendary Billie Holiday as a song of protest, bringing national attention to the crime of lynching.


Sensitive: This resource contains material that may be sensitive for some students. Teachers should exercise discretion in evaluating whether this resource is suitable for their class.

Social Science
Material Type:
Primary Source
PBS LearningMedia
Date Added:
UWLP: Community Advocacy Training for Utah Women
0.0 stars

Description: Community advocacy can be fun, simple, and meaningful. However, it can also feel overwhelming, confusing or frightening, particularly for women who do not know where to start or what to do. In this workshop, Action Utah will demystify community advocacy and make engagement more accessible. Join Andrea and Patti to learn about why women's engagement matters, what advocacy looks like, and how to find your own best way to impact the issues you care about. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of our political system and how to participate in the legislative session. More importantly, however, viewers will also come away with specific ideas on how to advocate for a cause, equipped with practical tips and tools for successful community action.

Business and Economics
Social Science
Society and Culture
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
Utah Women and Leadership Project
Date Added:
UWLP: Getting It Together
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

We are living in a remarkable time. The pandemic has shaken people throughout the world, disrupting familiar routines and practices and creating chaos to one degree or another in our lives. Whether you have been working from home or lost employment, found your work environment or family gatherings altered by social distancing, become your children’s/grandchildren’s school-at-home teacher, been overwhelmed by the daily reporting of statistics, or become sick or cared for someone who has become sick, daily life now offers significant added challenges and worries. While we soldier on trying to adjust to the “new now,” it is important that we practice good self-care to manage the impact of the stressors on our bodies, minds, and spirits. This workshop will engage participants in ways to live in the present moment, be open to a variety of perspectives, develop awareness of one’s breath, experience the practice of the “beginner’s mind,” discover ways to find and release tension in the body, and explore their own embodiment as a way to confirm wholeness and well-being. Wear comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement and be prepared to nurture your whole self!

Social Science
Society and Culture
Women and Gender Studies
Utah Education Network
Date Added:
UWLP: Leveraging Social Media to Do Good: What, Where, and How
0.0 stars

Today, it is more important than ever to help make our communities, state, and world better places. But how can we do this from where we are? Social media is a platform that allows all of us to be heard, motivate others, and get involved. This interactive and engaging workshop is designed for women and influencers of any age (including teens) and focuses on how social media can impact our communities and help to make a difference. Jess and Niki provide ideas for getting involved, including the what, where, and how. They share specific examples of how social media can make a strong, positive impact (from Utah and beyond), while also identifying potentially harmful uses of media and instructing attendees on how to avoid such negativity. Finally, they share some key guidelines on how to maintain and expand a social media presence that reflects your authentic self, while increasing your efforts to positively impact the community.

Professional Learning
Social Science
Society and Culture
Women and Gender Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
Utah Women and Leadership Project
Date Added:
UWLP: Navigating Transitions: How to Thrive When Life Keeps Changing (Clip) - If you stay curious
0.0 stars

"If you stay curious about what's around that next curve you will be amazed at how you are able to cultivate skills to thrive regardless of the situation, because you don't get stagnant."

Social Science
Society and Culture
Women and Gender Studies
Utah Education Network
Date Added: