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Utah State Board of Education

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Evidence Based Resources
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This checklist supports educators in the analysis of resources used during instruction to determine their alignment to standards and effectiveness of supporting the successful mastery of learning objectives.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
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Explicit Instruction EBP
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Explicit Instruction is an evidence-based approach to effective instruction that provides a series of engaging instructional supports or scaffolds. Explicit Instruction includes the design of effective lessons as well as highly responsive and interactive teaching. It teaches complex skills through the clear presentation of material, high levels of student engagement, frequent opportunities to respond with feedback, and systematic use of scaffolds. Initial practice is carried out with high levels of teacher involvement. As students gain proficiency, the educator reduces support, and provides sufficient practice so that students are able to independently apply their new skills in a wide variety of situations.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
Evidence-Based Practice
Date Added:
Exploring Antarctica
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Exploring Antarctica: Standard 7.NS.2 Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division and of fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers.
This formative assessment exemplar was created by a team of Utah educators to be used as a resource in the classroom. It was reviewed for appropriateness by a Bias and Sensitivity/Special Education team and by state mathematics leaders. While no assessment is perfect, it is intended to be used as a formative tool that enables teachers to obtain evidence of student learning, identify assets and gaps in that learning, and adjust instruction for the two dimensions that are important for mathematical learning experiences (i.e., Standards for Mathematical Practice, Major Work of the Grade).

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
Math Formative Assessment Clusters
Date Added:
Fairly Solvable
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Fairly Solvable: Standard 8.EE.7 Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable. Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution,infinitely many solutions,or no solutions. Show which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the form x=a, a=a, or a=b results(where a and b are different numbers). Solve single-variable linear equations and inequalities with rational number coefficients, including equations and inequalities whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like terms. Solve single-variable absolute value equations.
This formative assessment exemplar was created by a team of Utah educators to be used as a resource in the classroom. It was reviewed for appropriateness by a Bias and Sensitivity/Special Education team and by state mathematics leaders. While no assessment is perfect, it is intended to be used as a formative tool that enables teachers to obtain evidence of student learning, identify assets and gaps in that learning, and adjust instruction for the two dimensions that are important for mathematical learning experiences (i.e., Standards for Mathematical Practice, Major Work of the Grade).

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
Math Formative Assessment Clusters
Date Added:
Farm Animals
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Farm Animals: Standard 8.EE.2 Use square root and cube root symbols to represent solutions to equations of the form x2=p and x3 =p, where p is a positive rational number. Evaluate square roots of small perfect squares and cube roots of small perfect cubes. Know that 2 is irrational.
This formative assessment exemplar was created by a team of Utah educators to be used as a resource in the classroom. It was reviewed for appropriateness by a Bias and Sensitivity/Special Education team and by state mathematics leaders. While no assessment is perfect, it is intended to be used as a formative tool that enables teachers to obtain evidence of student learning, identify assets and gaps in that learning, and adjust instruction for the two dimensions that are important for mathematical learning experiences (i.e., Standards for Mathematical Practice, Major Work of the Grade).

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
Math Formative Assessment Clusters
Date Added:
Feedback Via Technology EBP
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Feedback can be defined as “information allowing a learner to reduce the gap between what is evident currently and what could or should be the case” regarding aspects of one’s performance or understanding that reduces the discrepancy between what is understood and what is aimed to be understood. Leveraging technology can enhance the feedback process in numerous ways.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
Evidence-Based Practice
Date Added:
Finding Ten More or Ten Less
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The focus of the Finding Ten More or Ten Less intervention is to mentally the number that is ten more or ten less. This intervention has two phases that begin with using base ten blocks, moves to drawings and the hundred chart, and then moves onto mental math. Phase 1: Find the number which is ten more. Phase 2: Find the number which is ten less.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
K-3 Math Interventions
Date Added:
Find the Distance
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Find the Distance: Standard 8.G.8 Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance between two points in a coordinate system.
This formative assessment exemplar was created by a team of Utah educators to be used as a resource in the classroom. It was reviewed for appropriateness by a Bias and Sensitivity/Special Education team and by state mathematics leaders. While no assessment is perfect, it is intended to be used as a formative tool that enables teachers to obtain evidence of student learning, identify assets and gaps in that learning, and adjust instruction for the two dimensions that are important for mathematical learning experiences (i.e., Standards for Mathematical Practice, Major Work of the Grade).

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
Math Formative Assessment Clusters
Date Added:
Find the Next Number from 11-99
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The focus of the Find the Next Number from 11-99 intervention is saying and writing the next number up to 99. It has two phases that use base ten blocks. Phase 1 focuses on the next number within a ten. Phase 2 focuses on the next number over the transition over ten, like 59 to 60.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
K-3 Math Interventions
Date Added:
Firefighter Allocation
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Firefighter Allocation: Standard 6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of the form x + a = b and ax = b for cases in which a, b and x are all non-negative rational numbers.
This formative assessment exemplar was created by a team of Utah educators to be used as a resource in the classroom. It was reviewed for appropriateness by a Bias and Sensitivity/Special Education team and by state mathematics leaders. While no assessment is perfect, it is intended to be used as a formative tool that enables teachers to obtain evidence of student learning, identify assets and gaps in that learning, and adjust instruction for the two dimensions that are important for mathematical learning experiences (i.e., Standards for Mathematical Practice, Major Work of the Grade).

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
Math Formative Assessment Clusters
Date Added:
Fitness for Life Instructional Techniques
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This microcredential represents educators' use of effective instructional techniques in the Fitness for Life course. The foundation of the Fitness for Life is based on these 5 components. The Fitness for Life course is a requirement for high school graduation in Utah.

Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
Flipped Classrooms EBP
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Flipped Classrooms are a structure in which traditional classroom activities (such as lecture) are reviewed at home or before the class, often via pre-recorded video or audio presentations, which prepares the students for more interactive, discovery, questioning, and engagement in active learning activities in the classroom itself. In a flipped classroom, the background knowledge is expected to be gained through what has historically been “homework” and the kinds of activities done historically outside of classroom hours, such as cooperative learning, application-and practice, are done at school with the support of the teacher and peers.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
Evidence-Based Practice
Date Added: