This is a sixth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. …
This is a sixth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. In this experience students investigate the effects of heat energy on density of matter. These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.
This is a sixth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. …
This is a sixth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. In this experience students investigate the effects of heat energy on phase changes in matter. These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.
This interactive activity for grades 8-12 features eight models that explore atomic …
This interactive activity for grades 8-12 features eight models that explore atomic arrangements for gases, solids, and liquids. Highlight an atom and view its trajectory to see how the motion differs in each of the three primary phases. As the lesson progresses, students observe and manipulate differences in attractions among atoms in each state and experiment with adding energy to produce state changes. More advanced students can explore models of latent heat and evaporative cooling. This item is part of the Concord Consortium, a nonprofit research and development organization dedicated to transforming education through technology.
This resource includes posters and images from the Modern Water Cycle collection …
This resource includes posters and images from the Modern Water Cycle collection by BYU and the USGS. The resources emphasize the two-way connection between humans and water. These specific posters and images are from the "Water in Agriculture" series. They address the question: How does water move across irrigated landscapes? This resource includes file attachments and activity ideas for utilizing the files in classroom instruction.
Students will identify different states of matter, make a model of the …
Students will identify different states of matter, make a model of the effect of heat energy on particles and connect Utah’s natural resources to Utah’s daily life and industry.
This is an interactive, sixth-grade Nearpod lesson tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. …
This is an interactive, sixth-grade Nearpod lesson tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. It guides students through information and activities about the effects of heat energy on water. This resource is a student-ready, three-dimensional SEEd science lesson you can add to your Nearpod library. Many of the phenomena, text, and images come from UEN OER textbooks,,, and Most videos are from or Many of the simulations were found at,, and This lesson is unique to Nebo School District but was built with the help of many amazing ideas from teachers throughout Utah.
This is an interactive, sixth-grade Nearpod lesson tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. …
This is an interactive, sixth-grade Nearpod lesson tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. It guides students through information and activities about the effects of heat energy on the states of matter. This resource is a student-ready, three-dimensional SEEd science lesson you can add to your Nearpod library. Many of the phenomena, text, and images come from UEN OER textbooks,,, and Most videos are from or Many of the simulations were found at,, and This lesson is unique to Nebo School District but was built with the help of many amazing ideas from teachers throughout Utah.
This is an interactive, sixth-grade Nearpod lesson tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. …
This is an interactive, sixth-grade Nearpod lesson tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. It guides students through information and activities about the effects of heat energy on the density of molecules. This resource is a student-ready, three-dimensional SEEd science lesson you can add to your Nearpod library. Many of the phenomena, text, and images come from UEN OER textbooks,,, and Most videos are from or Many of the simulations were found at,, and This lesson is unique to Nebo School District but was built with the help of many amazing ideas from teachers throughout Utah.
This is an interactive, sixth-grade Nearpod lesson tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. …
This is an interactive, sixth-grade Nearpod lesson tied to SEEd standard 6.2.2. It guides students through information and activities about the effects of heat energy on phase changes. This resource is a student-ready, three-dimensional SEEd science lesson you can add to your Nearpod library. Many of the phenomena, text, and images come from UEN OER textbooks,,, and Most videos are from or Many of the simulations were found at,, and This lesson is unique to Nebo School District but was built with the help of many amazing ideas from teachers throughout Utah.
Watch different types of molecules form a solid, liquid, or gas. Add …
Watch different types of molecules form a solid, liquid, or gas. Add or remove heat and watch the phase change. Change the temperature or volume of a container and see a pressure-temperature diagram respond in real time. Relate the interaction potential to the forces between molecules.
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 4 from Explores phenomenon of water …
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 4 from Explores phenomenon of water in different states of matter. Introduces density.
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 5 from Explores phenomenon of how …
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 5 from Explores phenomenon of how thermal energy affects matter by looking at water.
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 6 from Students construct an explanation …
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 6 from Students construct an explanation of how thermal energy transfers through matter. Based on phenomenon of toothpicks hot glued to metal stick above a candle.
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 7 from Explores phenomenon of what …
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 7 from Explores phenomenon of what makes hot air balloons fly. Includes more exploration with density.
Phenomenon-based, 5E lessons that align to the SEEd standards. Lesson folders include …
Phenomenon-based, 5E lessons that align to the SEEd standards. Lesson folders include lesson plans, a slideshow, and supporting materials for teaching the lesson to your students.
6th Grade SEEd textbook for the 2022-2023 school year. This textbook was …
6th Grade SEEd textbook for the 2022-2023 school year. This textbook was developed to align to the Utah Science with Engineering Education (SEEd) Standards. (Added: June 8, 2022)
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