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  • SEEd Student Science Experiences
1.1.1 Movement of Sun and Stars Student Science Experience
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0.0 stars

This is a first-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 1.1.1. In this experience students obtain and communicate information about the patterns of movement of the Sun and stars.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
1.1.2 Daylight & Seasons Student Science Experience
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0.0 stars

This is a first-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 1.1.2. In this experience students make connections between daylight hours and seasons.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
1.2.1 Plants & Sunlight Student Science Experience
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0.0 stars

This is a first-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 1.2.1. In this experience students investigate the effects of sunlight on plants.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
2.1.1 Landform Patterns Student Science Experience
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0.0 stars

This is a second-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 2.1.1. In this experience students use models to obtain information about the patterns in shapes of canyons.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
2.1.2 Changing Earth's Surface Student Science Experience
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0.0 stars

This is a second-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 2.1.2. In this experience students construct explanations about what changes to EarthÕs surface occur quickly or slowly.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
2.2.2 Structure & Function Student Science Experience
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0.0 stars

This is a second-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 2.2.2. In this experience students investigate how the structure of the body parts of fish help them to function and survive.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
2.3.3 Different Objects, Same Pieces Student Science Experience
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0.0 stars

This is a second-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 2.3.3. In this experience students explore how objects with different functions can be made of the same pieces.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
3.1.1 Patterns in Weather Student Science Experience
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0.0 stars

This is a third-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 3.1.1. In this experience students analyze data by looking for patterns that identify typical weather conditions during a season.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
3.1.2 Climate Patterns Student Science Experience
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0.0 stars

This is a third-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 3.1.2. In this experience students obtain and communicate information about climate patterns.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
3.2.5 Organisms Live in Different Habitats Student Science Experience
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0.0 stars

This is a third-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 3.2.5. In this experience students create an argument for why certain plants and animals live in certain habitats.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
4.2.1 Relationship Between Speed and Energy
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0.0 stars

This is a fourth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 4.2.1. In this experience students investigate the cause and effect relationship between speed and energy.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
4.2.2 Energy Transfer
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0.0 stars

This is a fourth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 4.2.2. In this experience students observe changes in energy that occur when objects collide.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
4.2.2 Energy Transfer
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a fourth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 4.2.2. In this experience students explore changes in energy as a moving object collides with an object that is not moving.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
5.1.1 Patterns in Earth's Features
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a fifth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 5.1.1. In this experience students analyze data and make observations to determine patterns in the location of EarthÕs features.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
5.1.3 Weathering of Rocks
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0.0 stars

This is a fifth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 5.1.3. In this experience students investigate the physical weathering of rocks.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
5.2.1 Particles of Matter
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a fifth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 5.2.1. In this experience students investigate that matter is made of particles too small to be seen.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
5.2.2 Properties of Substances
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a fifth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 5.2.2. In this experience students identify substances based on the patterns in their properties.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
5.3.1 Plant Growth
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a fifth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 5.3.1. In this experience students explore where plants get the energy and matter needed for growth.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
5.3.2 Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a fifth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 5.3.2. In this experience students obtain and communicate information about how energy flows and matter cycles in a food chain.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
6.1.1 Appearance of Moon
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a sixth-grade student science experience tied to SEEd standard 6.1.1. In this experience students explore why the Moon looks different throughout the month.
These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards.

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
SEEd Student Science Experiences
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added: