This Math Fun Fact focuses on proof by induction. Math Fun Facts …
This Math Fun Fact focuses on proof by induction. Math Fun Facts were developed as warm-up activities. They are mathematical tidbits meant to arouse curiosity and fascination with the subject. Fun Facts give students a glimpse that mathematics is full of interesting ideas, patterns, and new modes of thinking.
This short text is designed more for self-study or review than for …
This short text is designed more for self-study or review than for classroom use; full solutions are given for nearly all the end-of-chapter problems. For a more traditional text designed for classroom use, see Fundamentals of Calculus ( The focus is mainly on integration and differentiation of functions of a single variable, although iterated integrals are discussed. Infinitesimals are used when appropriate, and are treated more rigorously than in old books like Thompson's Calculus Made Easy, but in less detail than in Keisler's Elementary Calculus: An Approach Using Infinitesimals. Numerical examples are given using the open-source computer algebra system Yacas, and Yacas is also used sometimes to cut down on the drudgery of symbolic techniques such as partial fractions. Proofs are given for all important results, but are often relegated to the back of the book, and the emphasis is on teaching the techniques of calculus rather than on abstract results.
This course provides an introduction to applied concepts in Calculus that are …
This course provides an introduction to applied concepts in Calculus that are relevant to the managerial, life, and social sciences. Students should have a firm grasp of the concept of functions to succeed in this course. Topics covered include derivatives of basic functions and how they can be used to optimize quantities such as profit and revenues, as well as integrals of basic functions and how they can be used to describe the total change in a quantity over time.
MATH&148 is a calculus course for business students. It is designed for …
MATH&148 is a calculus course for business students. It is designed for students who want a brief course in calculus. Topics include differential and integral calculus of elementary functions. Problems emphasize business and social science applications. Translating words into mathematics and solving word problems are emphasized over algebra. Applications are mainly business oriented (e.g. cost, revenue, and profit). Mathematical theory and complex algebraic manipulations are not mainstays of this course, which is designed to be less rigorous than the calculus sequence for scientists and engineers. Topics are presented according to the rule of four: geometrically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. That is, symbolic manipulation must be balanced with graphical interpretation, numerical examples, and writing. Trigonometry is not part of the course.
Published in 1991 by Wellesley-Cambridge Press, the book is a useful resource …
Published in 1991 by Wellesley-Cambridge Press, the book is a useful resource for educators and self-learners alike. It is well organized, covers single variable and multivariable calculus in depth, and is rich with applications.
In addition to the Textbook, there is also an online Instructor's Manual and a student Study Guide. Prof. Strang has also developed a related series of videos, Highlights of Calculus, on the basic ideas of calculus.
Calculus is the mathematics of CHANGE and almost everything in our world …
Calculus is the mathematics of CHANGE and almost everything in our world is changing. In this course, you will investigate limits and how they are used to calculate rate of change at a point, define the continuity of a function and how they are used to define derivatives. Definite and indefinite integrals and their applications are covered, including improper integrals. Late in the course, you will find Calculus with parametric equations and polar coordinates, sequences and series, and vectors.
The Calculus BC AP exam is a super set of the AB …
The Calculus BC AP exam is a super set of the AB exam. It covers everything in AB as well as some of the more advanced topics in integration, sequences and function approximation. This tutorial is great practice for anyone looking to test their calculus mettle!
Calculus-Based Physics is an introductory physics textbook designed for use in the …
Calculus-Based Physics is an introductory physics textbook designed for use in the two-semester introductory physics course typically taken by science and engineering students
This series of videos focusing on calculus covers minima, maxima, and critical …
This series of videos focusing on calculus covers minima, maxima, and critical points, rates of change, optimization, rates of change, L'Hopital's Rule, mean value theorem.
This is about as many integrals we can use before our brains …
This is about as many integrals we can use before our brains explode. Now we can sum variable quantities in three-dimensions (what is the mass of a 3-D wacky object that has variable mass)!
From the MAA review of this book: "The discussions and explanations are …
From the MAA review of this book: "The discussions and explanations are succinct and to the point, in a way that pleases mathematicians who don't like calculus books to go on and on."There are eleven chapters beginning with analytic geometry and ending with sequences and series. The book covers the standard material in a one variable calculus course for science and engineering. The size of the book is such that an instructor does not have to skip sections in order to fit the material into the typical course schedule. There are sufficiently many exercises at the end of each sections, but not as many as the much bigger commercial texts. Some students and instructors may want to use something like a Schaum's outline for additional problems.
Draw a graph of any function and see graphs of its derivative …
Draw a graph of any function and see graphs of its derivative and integral. Don't forget to use the magnify/demagnify controls on the y-axis to adjust the scale.
Draw a graph of any function and see graphs of its derivative …
Draw a graph of any function and see graphs of its derivative and integral. Don't forget to use the magnify/demagnify controls on the y-axis to adjust the scale.
This course begins with a review of algebra specifically designed to help …
This course begins with a review of algebra specifically designed to help and prepare the student for the study of calculus, and continues with discussion of functions, graphs, limits, continuity, and derivatives. The appendix provides a large collection of reference facts, geometry, and trigonometry that will assist in solving calculus problems long after the course is over. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: calculate or estimate limits of functions given by formulas, graphs, or tables by using properties of limits and LĺÎĺ_ĺĚĺ_hopitalĺÎĺ_ĺĚĺ_s Rule; state whether a function given by a graph or formula is continuous or differentiable at a given point or on a given interval and justify the answer; calculate average and instantaneous rates of change in context, and state the meaning and units of the derivative for functions given graphically; calculate derivatives of polynomial, rational, common transcendental functions, and implicitly defined functions; apply the ideas and techniques of derivatives to solve maximum and minimum problems and related rate problems, and calculate slopes and rates for function given as parametric equations; find extreme values of modeling functions given by formulas or graphs; predict, construct, and interpret the shapes of graphs; solve equations using NewtonĺÎĺ_ĺĚĺ_s Method; find linear approximations to functions using differentials; festate in words the meanings of the solutions to applied problems, attaching the appropriate units to an answer; state which parts of a mathematical statement are assumptions, such as hypotheses, and which parts are conclusions. This free course may be completed online at any time. It has been developed through a partnership with the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges; the Saylor Foundation has modified some WSBCTC materials. (Mathematics 005)
This course is an introduction to the calculus of functions of several …
This course is an introduction to the calculus of functions of several variables. It begins with studying the basic objects of multidimensional geometry: vectors and vector operations, lines, planes, cylinders, quadric surfaces, and various coordinate systems. It continues with the elementary differential geometry of vector functions and space curves. After this, it extends the basic tools of differential calculus - limits, continuity, derivatives, linearization, and optimization - to multidimensional problems. The course will conclude with a study of integration in higher dimensions, culminating in a multidimensional version of the substitution rule.
This contemporary calculus course is the third in a three-part sequence. In …
This contemporary calculus course is the third in a three-part sequence. In this course students continue to explore the concepts, applications, and techniques of Calculus - the mathematics of change. Calculus has wide-spread application in science, economics and engineering, and is a foundation college course for further work in these areas. This is a required class for most science and mathematics majors.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
This contemporary calculus course is the second in a three-part sequence. In …
This contemporary calculus course is the second in a three-part sequence. In this course students continue to explore the concepts, applications, and techniques of Calculus - the mathematics of change. Calculus has wide-spread application in science, economics and engineering, and is a foundation college course for further work in these areas. This is a required class for most science and mathematics majors.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
Topics in this course include transcendental functions, techniques of integration, applications of …
Topics in this course include transcendental functions, techniques of integration, applications of the integral, improper integrals, l'Hospital's rule, sequences, and series.
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