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Utah State Board of Education

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Utah's Portrait of a Graduate Competencies Model Rubrics
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The P-20 Rubrics provide a model for creating intentional learning opportunities for students in alignment with the Utah Portrait of a Graduate. For each competency, the rubrics function as learning progressions through the continuum from Pre-K through post-secondary. The rubrics support student agency and self-assessment of their current application of knowledge and skills. The model rubrics are intended to be adapted by local communities to align with their LEA and school instruction. By having models available, the state promotes local implementation and supports access to the Utah Portrait of a Graduate for all stakeholders in PreK-12 education.

Professional Learning
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Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah State Board of Education
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Utah’s PreK-12 Mathematics Framework
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Mathematics is essential to navigating our data-filled and technologically-driven society. Every Utah learner is entitled to the acquisition of competent mathematics knowledge for skills, and dispositions and the inherent empowerment associated with such achievement. Currently, 50% of Utah’s third grade students are mathematically proficient and that percentage decreases to 43% by eighth grade (USBE, 2019). Therefore, Utah’s PK–12 Mathematics Framework is designed to serve as an evidence-based guide for educators to initiate productive growth and change in mathematical opportunities, achievement and outcomes for students in line with Utah’s Portrait of a Graduate.

Elementary Mathematics
Secondary Mathematics
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Utah State Board of Education
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Utah Mathematics
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Validity of Current Health Resources, Information, and Trends
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This microcredential represents educators' effective and consistent instruction on the validity of current health resources, information, and trends. This is the fourth microcredential in the Human Diseases Stack. This stack of microcredentials fulfills one of the requirements of a pathway for endorsement. Click the More Info button to learn more.

Professional Learning
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Utah State Board of Education
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Videos: Standard 8.EE.5 (Graph proportional relationships, interpreting the unit rate as the slope of the graph. Compare two different proportional relationships represented in different ways. For example, compare a distance-time graph to a distance-time equation to determine which of the two moving objects has greater speed.).
This formative assessment exemplar was created by a team of Utah educators to be used as a resource in the classroom. It was reviewed for appropriateness by a Bias and Sensitivity/Special Education team and by state mathematics leaders. While no assessment is perfect, it is intended to be used as a formative tool that enables teachers to obtain evidence of student learning, identify assets and gaps in that learning, and adjust instruction for the two dimensions that are important for mathematical learning experiences (i.e., Standards for Mathematical Practice, Major Work of the Grade).

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
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Math Formative Assessment Clusters
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Visualization, Composition, and Decomposition of Geometric Shapes
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This microcredential represents a teacher’s understanding of visualization, composition, and decomposition of geometric shapes and their ability to understand and respond to progressions related to these concepts by planning and implementing instruction based on the Standards for Mathematical Practice and Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices. It involves selecting, using, and adapting mathematics curricula and teaching materials, including the integration of mathematical tools and technology, as well as using and analyzing formative and summative assessments to determine students' understanding of visualization, composition, and decomposition of geometric shapes. This is the first of five Microcredentials in the Elementary Mathematics Endorsement: Geometry, Measurement, and Data Stack. These Microcredentials can be earned in any order.

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Utah State Board of Education
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Volleyball Bake Sale
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Volleyball Bake Sale: Standard 8.F.1.Understand that a function is a rule that assigns to each input exactly one output. The graph of a function is the set of ordered pairs consisting of an input and the corresponding output. (Function notation is not required in grade 8.)
This formative assessment exemplar was created by a team of Utah educators to be used as a resource in the classroom. It was reviewed for appropriateness by a Bias and Sensitivity/Special Education team and by state mathematics leaders. While no assessment is perfect, it is intended to be used as a formative tool that enables teachers to obtain evidence of student learning, identify assets and gaps in that learning, and adjust instruction for the two dimensions that are important for mathematical learning experiences (i.e., Standards for Mathematical Practice, Major Work of the Grade).

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
Math Formative Assessment Clusters
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Wadham, R., & Ostenson, J. (2013). Integrating Young Adult Literature through the Common Core Standards. Libraries Unlimited.
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In this text, the authors provide research-based foundations for the use of young adult literature as complex texts. In the first three chapters the authors provide an accessible explanation and discussion of the three components of text complexity. The chapters and materials that follow use well-known and often award-winning young adult titles to exemplify these principles.

Professional Learning
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Utah State Board of Education
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What Am I Doing Now? How Might I Do It Better?
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In this Moving Writers blog post, Alison Marchetti shares several examples of reflection strategies she uses with students to help them identify the strategies and choices they use as writers and to consider how to adapt and apply these strategies in future writing situations.

Professional Learning
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Utah State Board of Education
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What Are the Odds?
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What Are the Odds?: Standard 7.SP.8 Find probabilities of compound events using organized lists, tables, tree diagrams, and simulation.
This formative assessment exemplar was created by a team of Utah educators to be used as a resource in the classroom. It was reviewed for appropriateness by a Bias and Sensitivity/Special Education team and by state mathematics leaders. While no assessment is perfect, it is intended to be used as a formative tool that enables teachers to obtain evidence of student learning, identify assets and gaps in that learning, and adjust instruction for the two dimensions that are important for mathematical learning experiences (i.e., Standards for Mathematical Practice, Major Work of the Grade).

Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
Math Formative Assessment Clusters
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What Does a Writing Unit Look Like?
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In this Moving Writers blog post, Rebekah O’Dell describes how she conceptualizes all of the parts of a writing unit. This post may be helpful for teachers as they develop their writing unit outlines as they consider the different mini-lessons, activities, and strategies they want to teach throughout the unit.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
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