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  • math
Secondary Mathematics: Statistics & Probability--Assessment
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

This is the sixth of six microcredentials for Statistics & Probability. This microcredential represents an educator's planning for, implementation of, and reflection on the use of formative and summative assessments to teach a unit of Probability and Statistics with a focus on conceptual understanding.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Full Course
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
Secondary Mathematics: Statistics & Probability--Conceptual Underpinnings
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

This is the first of six microcredentials for Statistics & Probability. This microcredential represents an educator's planning for, implementation of, and reflection on a unit plan related to Probability and Statistics that allows for the exploration and investigation of a conceptual idea.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Full Course
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
Secondary Mathematics: Statistics & Probability--Habits of Mind
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

This microcredential represents an educator's planning for, implementation of, and reflection on a Statistics & Probability leaning unit that addresses the Statistical Habits of Mind, is aligned to grade-specific standards, anticipates student responses, and includes questions to further students' learning. This microcredential is the fifth of six in the Statistics & Probability for Secondary Mathematics Teaching stack.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Full Course
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
Secondary Mathematics: Statistics & Probability--Misconceptions
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

This microcredential represents an educator's ability to identify, address, and reflect on student misconceptions related to a Statistics & Probability lesson that is aligned to grade-specific standards, anticipates student responses, and includes questions to further students' learning. This microcredential is the second of six in the Statistics & Probability for Secondary Mathematics Teaching stack.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Full Course
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
Secondary Mathematics: Statistics & Probability--Technology
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

This is the third of six microcredentials for Statistics & Probability. This microcredential represents an educator's planning for, implementation of, and reflection on the use of technology to teach Probability and Statistics that allows for the exploration and investigation of a conceptual idea.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Full Course
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
Secondary mathematics: Methods of Teaching--Mathematical Modeling
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

This microcredential represents educators' ability to effectively and consistently use mathematical modeling as a part of mathematics instruction. This microcredential fulfills one of the requirements of a pathway for endorsement. Click the More Info button to learn more.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Full Course
Utah State Board of Education
Date Added:
Sharing Cookies (Picture Book Library)
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

This lesson is written using the Launch, Explore, Summarize lesson plan format and includes a link to a chart to anticipate student strategies and monitor student strategies and thinking as they work through the problems. Tasks also include a recording sheet where applicable. They are meant to be used as ideas. Please make changes and adaptations as necessary for the students in your class. All of the ideas for the tasks in this bank are common picture book math problems or were created by UVU School of Education Faculty.  If you use one of these tasks, please complete our Picture Book Task Survey so that we can learn more about your experience teaching, how students solve problems, and improve our Picture Book Task Bank.If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact us at creativelearning@uvu.edu or nicole.gearing@uvu.edu.

Elementary Mathematics
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Mallory Searle
Date Added:
Simplifying Expressions - PhET Interactive Simulations
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Build coin expressions, then exchange them for variable expressions. Simplify and evaluate expressions until you are ready to test your understanding of equivalent expressions in the game!

Material Type:
University of Colorado Boulder
Provider Set:
PhET Interactive Simulations
Amanda Mcgarry
Julie Carres
Lisa Nitzsche
Pam Branner
Pam Brenner
Traducci N De Diana L Pez
Date Added:
Slices of Cake (Picture Book Library)
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

This lesson is written using the Launch, Explore, Summarize lesson plan format and includes a link to a chart to anticipate student strategies and monitor student strategies and thinking as they work through the problems. Tasks also include a recording sheet where applicable. They are meant to be used as ideas. Please make changes and adaptations as necessary for the students in your class. All of the ideas for the tasks in this bank are common picture book math problems or were created by UVU School of Education Faculty.  If you use one of these tasks, please complete our Picture Book Task Survey so that we can learn more about your experience teaching, how students solve problems, and improve our Picture Book Task Bank.If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact us at creativelearning@uvu.edu or nicole.gearing@uvu.edu.

Elementary Mathematics
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Mallory Searle
Date Added:
Snails and Crabs Numbers (Picture Book Library)
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

This lesson is written using the Launch, Explore, Summarize lesson plan format and includes a link to a chart to anticipate student strategies and monitor student strategies and thinking as they work through the problems. Tasks also include a recording sheet where applicable. They are meant to be used as ideas. Please make changes and adaptations as necessary for the students in your class. All of the ideas for the tasks in this bank are common picture book math problems or were created by UVU School of Education Faculty.  If you use one of these tasks, please complete our Picture Book Task Survey so that we can learn more about your experience teaching, how students solve problems, and improve our Picture Book Task Bank.If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact us at creativelearning@uvu.edu or nicole.gearing@uvu.edu.

Elementary Mathematics
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Mallory Searle
Nicole Gearing
Date Added:
Sorting Buttons (Picture Book Library)
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

This lesson is written using the Launch, Explore, Summarize lesson plan format and includes a link to a chart to anticipate student strategies and monitor student strategies and thinking as they work through the problems. Tasks also include a recording sheet where applicable. They are meant to be used as ideas. Please make changes and adaptations as necessary for the students in your class. All of the ideas for the tasks in this bank are common picture book math problems or were created by UVU School of Education Faculty.  If you use one of these tasks, please complete our Picture Book Task Survey so that we can learn more about your experience teaching, how students solve problems, and improve our Picture Book Task Bank.If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact us at creativelearning@uvu.edu or nicole.gearing@uvu.edu.

Elementary Mathematics
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Mallory Searle
Date Added:
Sorting Shapes (Picture Book Library)
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

This lesson is written using the Launch, Explore, Summarize lesson plan format and includes a link to a chart to anticipate student strategies and monitor student strategies and thinking as they work through the problems. Tasks also include a recording sheet where applicable. They are meant to be used as ideas. Please make changes and adaptations as necessary for the students in your class. All of the ideas for the tasks in this bank are common picture book math problems or were created by UVU School of Education Faculty.  If you use one of these tasks, please complete our Picture Book Task Survey so that we can learn more about your experience teaching, how students solve problems, and improve our Picture Book Task Bank.If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact us at creativelearning@uvu.edu or nicole.gearing@uvu.edu.

Elementary Mathematics
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Mallory Searle
Nicole Gearing
Date Added:
Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy: The Role of Technology and Engineering in STEM Education
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (STEL) provides an up-to-date roadmap for classroom teachers, district supervisors, administrators, states, and curriculum developers to promote technology and engineering education program development and curriculum design from Pre-K through twelfth grade.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Date Added:
Sweet Success: A Real World Math Project
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This video explains the steps for teaching a technology-rich math lesson with real-world application. Students create a recipe for a menu item, estimate the cost of production, and determine the selling price needed in order to make a profit from selling the food item.  Lesson Author: Erin Lundgreen

Elementary Mathematics
Material Type:
Date Added: