This course is an introduction to contemporary calculus and is the first …
This course is an introduction to contemporary calculus and is the first of a three-part sequence. In this course students explore the concepts, applications, and techniques of Calculus - the mathematics of change. Calculus has wide-spread application in science, economics and engineering, and is a foundation college course for further work in these areas. This is a required class for most science and mathematics majors.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
This course is an introduction to differential and integral calculus. It begins …
This course is an introduction to differential and integral calculus. It begins with a short review of basic concepts surrounding the notion of a function. Then it introduces the important concept of the limit of a function, and use it to study continuity and the tangent problem. The solution to the tangent problem leads to the study of derivatives and their applications. Then it considers the area problem and its solution, the definite integral. The course concludes with the calculus of elementary transcendental functions.
This series of videos focusing on calculus covers indefinite integral as anti-derivative, …
This series of videos focusing on calculus covers indefinite integral as anti-derivative, definite integral as area under a curve, integration by parts, u-substitution, trig substitution.
Limits are the core tool that we build upon for calculus. Many …
Limits are the core tool that we build upon for calculus. Many times, a function can be undefined at a point, but we can think about what the function "approaches" as it gets closer and closer to that point (this is the "limit"). Other times, the function may be defined at a point, but it may approach a different limit. There are many, many times where the function value is the same as the limit at a point. Either way, this is a powerful tool as we start thinking about slope of a tangent line to a curve.
This tutorial covers much of the same material as the "Limits" tutorial, …
This tutorial covers much of the same material as the "Limits" tutorial, but does it with Sal's original "old school" videos. The sound, resolution or handwriting isn't as good, but some people find them more charming.
It is sometimes easier to take a double integral (a particular double …
It is sometimes easier to take a double integral (a particular double integral as we'll see) over a region and sometimes easier to take a line integral around the boundary. Green's theorem draws the connection between the two so we can go back and forth. This tutorial proves Green's theorem and then gives a few examples of using it. If you can take line integrals through vector fields, you're ready for Mr. Green.
With traditional integrals, our "path" was straight and linear (most of the …
With traditional integrals, our "path" was straight and linear (most of the time, we traversed the x-axis). Now we can explore taking integrals over any line or curve (called line integrals).
You've done some work with line integral with scalar functions and you …
You've done some work with line integral with scalar functions and you know something about parameterizing position-vector valued functions. In that case, welcome! You are now ready to explore a core tool math and physics: the line integral for vector fields. Need to know the work done as a mass is moved through a gravitational field. No sweat with line integrals.
Published in 1991 and still in print from Wellesley-Cambridge Press, the book …
Published in 1991 and still in print from Wellesley-Cambridge Press, the book is a useful resource for educators and self-learners alike. It is well organized, covers single variable and multivariable calculus in depth, and is rich with applications. There is also an online Instructor's Manual and a student Study Guide. Prof. Strang has also developed a related series of videos, Highlights of Calculus, on the basic ideas of calculus.
Let's jump out of that boring (okay, it wasn't THAT boring) 2-D …
Let's jump out of that boring (okay, it wasn't THAT boring) 2-D world into the exciting 3-D world that we all live and breath in. Instead of functions of x that can be visualized as lines, we can have functions of x and y that can be visualized as surfaces. But does the idea of a derivative still make sense? Of course it does! As long as you specify what direction you're going in. Welcome to the world of partial derivatives!
This 8-minute video lecture demonstrates how to use a position vector valued …
This 8-minute video lecture demonstrates how to use a position vector valued function to describe a curve or path. [Calculus playlist: Lesson 133 of 156]
Calculus Revisited is a series of videos and related resources that covers …
Calculus Revisited is a series of videos and related resources that covers the materials normally found in a freshman-level introductory calculus course. The series was first released in 1970 as a way for people to review the essentials of calculus. It is equally valuable for students who are learning calculus for the first time.
In this tutorial, we will learn to approximate differentiable functions with polynomials. …
In this tutorial, we will learn to approximate differentiable functions with polynomials. Beyond just being super cool, this can be useful for approximating functions so that they are easier to calculate, differentiate or integrate. So whether you will have to write simulations or become a bond trader (bond traders use polynomial approximation to estimate changes in bond prices given interest rate changes and vice versa), this tutorial could be fun. If that isn't motivation enough, we also come up with one of the most epic and powerful conclusions in all of mathematics in this tutorial: Euler's identity.
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