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  • Utah Women & Leadership Project
A Conversation on the Impact of COVID-19 on Utah Women and Work
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A Conversation on the Impact of COVID-19 on Utah Women and Work
August 25, 2021

Panelists: Dr. Jared M. Hansen, Marin Christensen, & Dr. Christopher J. Hartwell
The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020–2021 has impacted all Utahns in profound ways. Yet, a host of national and global reports have argued that women’s employment and careers have been disproportionately impacted during this time. To better understand Utah women’s experiences specifically, UWLP researchers conducted an extensive, in-depth survey focusing on the impacts of COVID-19 on women and work. This comprehensive study included the collection of data on a wide variety of topic areas and included both quantitative and open-ended questions to capture participants’ perceptions and experiences. Over 3,500 Utah women responded to the survey. Study researchers discuss the findings from this research, particularly focusing on burnout, hope, career advancement challenges, childcare, homeschooling, caregiver experiences, physical and mental health struggles, and more.

Social Science
Women and Gender Studies
Material Type:
Utah Women & Leadership Project
Dr. Susan Madsen
Date Added: