In this lesson, students will communicate information about their local watershed systems …
In this lesson, students will communicate information about their local watershed systems and how they function to move water through areas to different bodies of water.
In this lesson, students will create an article that uses evidence from …
In this lesson, students will create an article that uses evidence from the data they have analyzed throughout this program to design solutions that address what is happening to the lake.
This activity serves to familiarize students with different types of birds and …
This activity serves to familiarize students with different types of birds and how their physical characteristics vary based on where they live and what they eat.
Use this worksheet in the 1st & 2nd grade sections, "Bird Structure …
Use this worksheet in the 1st & 2nd grade sections, "Bird Structure and Function Observations," or the 3rd and 4th grade sections, "Bird Trait and Behavior Observations."
Use this worksheet key to go over answers to "Bird Beak Worksheet" …
Use this worksheet key to go over answers to "Bird Beak Worksheet" in the 1st & 2nd grade sections, "Bird Structure and Function Observations," or the 3rd and 4th grade sections, "Bird Trait and Behavior Observations."
Use activity to familiarize students with how living things survive at the …
Use activity to familiarize students with how living things survive at the Great Salt Lake. Explore who eats who through this hands-on activity, and discover how animals depend on their surroundings to get what they need, including food, water, shelter, and a favorable temperature.
Fill out this worksheet while going through the following lessons: "Investigating the …
Fill out this worksheet while going through the following lessons: "Investigating the Great Salt Lake Timelapse," "Finding Evidence From a Graph," and "Salinity Graph" in 3rd and 4th grade.
A collaborative the shares creates news and analysis about how to solve …
A collaborative the shares creates news and analysis about how to solve the issues facing the Great Salt Lake and the populations the live around it. Readings can be used for teacher background knowledge or as assigned readings for student learning.
Using this article, students will obtain, evaluate, and communicate information on how …
Using this article, students will obtain, evaluate, and communicate information on how people use water in Utah, and the effects of using "too much" water.
In this full program guide and its accompanying activities, students will learn …
In this full program guide and its accompanying activities, students will learn about what is happening to the Great Salt Lake, why it is happening, why it matters, and how we can help. Individual lesson plans are available for each section, as well. This is the comprehensive program guide that includes all of the lessons and activities.
This slide deck accompanies the Kindergarten program guide and will provide videos, …
This slide deck accompanies the Kindergarten program guide and will provide videos, pictures, and discussion prompts for students as they investigate what is happening to the Great Salt Lake.
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