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Reimagine Teaching Webinar Series: Eduprotocols online, enhanced with Nearpod!

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If you enjoy using Eduprotocols in class right now, or if you want to get a quick model at a way to enhance your distance learning capacity. By combining Eduprotocols and Nearpod, educators can keep kids in a nice smooth workflow that includes drawing tools for kids, quizzes, collaboration boards, and even video links with embedded questions plus Flip Grid to boot! This session will be a hands-on and how-to session where attendees will be taking on the role of students and we'll be sharing templates and models for educators to copy as well. Eduprotocols and Nearpod are a powerful 1-2 combo for distance learning!

Lesson Plan Template

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This is a lesson plan template created by the Utah Education Network. It is meant to guide educators through creating lesson plans that contain all the necessary components for teacher and student success. Remix this template each time you create a lesson to share in eMedia. When you edit each section of the lesson plan template, delete the template description and add your own content. Add files and links to each section as needed. Remember to replace the preview image with an openly licensed image or screen capture that represents your lesson. After completing each lesson plan section included in this template, you will click "next" at the top of your screen. This is when you will replace this overview with your own brief description of your lesson. You will also be asked to finalize your lesson details (metadata), including connecting it to state curriculum standards. Please do not skip these details. These choices are what align your lesson to state standards and help others search for resources in eMedia. Thank you for contributing to eMedia!

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Katie Blunt

Scrible Utah USBE Webinar 2020-10-08

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This webinar was created for Utah educators to help them learn how Scrible Edu Pro fills a gap for distance learning during the pandemic by supporting remote instruction for research and writing. You can scroll through this webinar recording to find portions of interest. For example, the "how-to" portion starts at 23:00 mins and contains a variety of questions, each with an answer and accompanying demo. For example, at the 25:50 mark, you'll see info about the question, "How do I curate and annotate articles".

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Scrible