The resources in this collection were created by the Center for Civic Education. The Center's mission is to promote an enlightened and responsible citizenry committed to democratic principles and actively engaged in the practice of democracy.
This free course is for all those who have not had an …
This free course is for all those who have not had an opportunity to study the American political system in depth. The course is divided into various sections with videos, questions for understanding, and discussion questions. We hope that this course will be of interest to all Americans who wish to learn more about their system of government and how they can best exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
This free course is for all those who have not had an …
This free course is for all those who have not had an opportunity to study the American political system in depth. The course is divided into various sections with videos, questions for understanding, and discussion questions. We hope that this course will be of interest to all Americans who wish to learn more about their system of government and how they can best exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
This free course is for all those who have not had an …
This free course is for all those who have not had an opportunity to study the American political system in depth. The course is divided into various sections with videos, questions for understanding, and discussion questions. We hope that this course will be of interest to all Americans who wish to learn more about their system of government and how they can best exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
This free course is for all those who have not had an …
This free course is for all those who have not had an opportunity to study the American political system in depth. The course is divided into various sections with videos, questions for understanding, and discussion questions. We hope that this course will be of interest to all Americans who wish to learn more about their system of government and how they can best exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
This lesson explores some ideas in the Preamble to the Constitution. Students …
This lesson explores some ideas in the Preamble to the Constitution. Students learn that the power to govern belongs to the people who have created the government to protect their rights and promote their welfare.
This lesson explores some of the ideas in the Preamble to the …
This lesson explores some of the ideas in the Preamble to the Constitution. Students read the Preamble and develop definitions for the six key phrases in the document.
This free course is for all those who have not had an …
This free course is for all those who have not had an opportunity to study the American political system in depth. The course is divided into various sections with videos, questions for understanding, and discussion questions. We hope that this course will be of interest to all Americans who wish to learn more about their system of government and how they can best exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
This lesson presents a series of quandaries that represent many great ideas …
This lesson presents a series of quandaries that represent many great ideas and principles that have shaped our constitutional heritage. In each exercise, students apply principles and ideas to a contemporary issue and then take a position and defend their judgments.
This lesson offers students the opportunity to play the role of voters …
This lesson offers students the opportunity to play the role of voters with special interests. Students draw up initiatives for new classroom or school rules. Students listen to other students’ interests, provide justifications for new rules, and prioritize initiatives for ballot consideration.
This lesson introduces the study of authority. Students learn two very important …
This lesson introduces the study of authority. Students learn two very important concepts: authority and limited government. Students also learn the importance of examining and choosing people for positions of leadership.
In this lesson from the We the People: The Citizen & Democracy …
In this lesson from the We the People: The Citizen & Democracy textbook, students will learn a very simple definition of democracy from Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. The lesson introduces the essential elements of a democracy, which is a country where the people have the right to make all the rules and laws either directly or by means of elected representatives. The teacher's goal for the lesson is to help students understand what it means for a democracy to be a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Many students do not understand the importance of the U.S. Census and …
Many students do not understand the importance of the U.S. Census and why it is taken. This lesson will help students understand the importance of the Census historically and the importance of its contemporary use.
This free course is for all those who have not had an …
This free course is for all those who have not had an opportunity to study the American political system in depth. The course is divided into various sections with videos, questions for understanding, and discussion questions. We hope that this course will be of interest to all Americans who wish to learn more about their system of government and how they can best exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
This lesson examines sources of presidential power and ways that checks and …
This lesson examines sources of presidential power and ways that checks and balances limit presidential power. Students explain the president's constitutional responsibilities, identify checks on the president's power, and defend positions involving the exercise of presidential power.
In this lesson, students discuss how laws are made. In particular, they …
In this lesson, students discuss how laws are made. In particular, they discuss what makes a good law, how representatives in Congress gather information about the issues requiring laws, and how their constituents feel about the issues and possible solutions. Through a public hearing simulation, students learn how difficult the decisions for lawmakers can be.
This lesson teaches students about the federal system of government created by …
This lesson teaches students about the federal system of government created by the Framers. Students learn about popular sovereignty, federalism, and the supremacy clause of the Constitution.
Did the Nineteenth Amendment provide women with more than the right to …
Did the Nineteenth Amendment provide women with more than the right to vote? Which Amendment process was used? How did this Amendment affect the United States in the last one hundred years? All of these questions and many others are discussed in this lesson.
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