This may be a helpful resource to support teachers in developing artifacts of learning about body image and eating disorders.
- Subject:
- Professional Learning
- Material Type:
- Reading
- Provider:
- Date Added:
- 07/12/2023
This may be a helpful resource to support teachers in developing artifacts of learning about body image and eating disorders.
These websites may serve as a resource for designing emotional intelligence lesson plans.
This may be a helpful resource to support teachers in developing artifacts of learning about chronic diseases.
This may be a helpful resource to support teachers in developing artifacts of learning about disease prevention strategies.
This microcredential represents educators' effective and consistent instruction on the anatomy and physiology of male and female reproductive systems. This is the first microcredential in the Human Sexuality stack. This stack of microcredentials fulfills one of the requirements of a pathway for endorsement. Click the More Info button to learn more.
This microcredential represents educators' effective and consistent use of a range of assessments to inform health instruction. This is the second microcredential in the Methods of Teaching Health stack, which fulfills one of the requirements of a pathway for endorsement.
This may be a helpful resource to support teachers in developing artifacts of learning about sexually transmitted diseases/infections (STDs/STIs), including HIV/AIDS. Per Utah Code 53G-10-402 parental consent is required prior to instruction in this content. This should not be used for student instruction unless reviewed by the local materials review committee and approved by the local board. Please follow Utah law and policy for all instruction and remember parental consent must always be given before students can receive any instruction on sex education.
This may be a helpful resource to support teachers in developing artifacts of learning about food and culture.
This may be a helpful resource to support teachers in developing artifacts of learning about food and culture.
This microcredential represents educators' effective and consistent instruction on body image and eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating disorder). This is the second microcredential in the Nutrition Stack. This stack of microcredentials fulfills one of the requirements of a pathway for endorsement.
This may be a helpful resource to support teachers in developing artifacts of learning about human reproductive anatomy and physiology.
This may be a helpful resource to support teachers in developing artifacts of learning about contraception and abstinence. Per Utah Code 53G-10-402 parental consent is required prior to instruction in this content. This should not be used for student instruction unless reviewed by the local materials review committee and approved by the local board. Please follow Utah law and policy for all instruction and remember parental consent must always be given before students can receive any instruction on sex education.
This may be a helpful resource to support teachers in developing artifacts of learning about healthy strategies for maintaining, reducing, or gaining weight.
This microcredential represents educators' effective and consistent instruction on chronic disease. This is the first microcredential in the Human Diseases Stack. This stack of microcredentials fulfills one of the requirements of a pathway for endorsement. Click the More Info button to learn more.
Describes importance of cognitive rigor and the Cognitive Rigor Matrix.
This may be a helpful resource to support teachers in developing artifacts of learning about human reproductive anatomy and physiology.
This microcredential represents educators' effective instruction on conception, pregnancy, and childbirth. This is the second microcredential in the Human Sexuality stack. This stack of microcredentials fulfills one of the requirements of a pathway for endorsement. Click the More Info button to learn more.
This microcredential represents educators' effective instruction on contraception, including abstinence. This is the third microcredential in the Human Sexuality stack. This stack of microcredentials fulfills one of the requirements of a pathway for endorsement. Click the More Info button to learn more.
This video may be a helpful resource to support students in developing artifacts of learning about food and culture. Every time we gather around a table to eat we perform one of the most important social activities that we do as human beings. Eating is not only about nourishing our bodies, but our souls. Every bite is a bite of culture, of history, and knowledge that has passed from generations to us. For several reasons we have forgotten how important food is and all the symbolism that surrounds it
This website offers in-depth knowledge about higher order thinking skills, provides examples, including charts and other helpful visual aids.