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Adam McMickell - Personalizing Professional Development (UEN Homeroom S1Ep7)
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Adam McMickell, Director of Student Achievement in Ogden School District, joins us to talk about personalized learning in Ogden. In this episode we discuss what professional development should look like, how does badging and certifications play a role in professional learning, and how Ogden is trying to meet the needs of their teachers by giving them a personalized approach to learning.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Amanda Del Balso and Chris Leighty - Google Certified Coaching (UEN Homeroom S3Ep5)
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This week in UEN Homeroom we're pleased to welcome Amanda Del Balso, Manager of the Google Certified Coaching Program, and Chris Leighty, an Instructional Coach from Oklahoma. Our conversation centered around the new Google Certified Coaching Program and how it can help improve classroom instruction. As part of the conversation, we discussed how coaching provides teachers with the support they need, the role Google can play to help educators, and we learned about the Google Certified Coaching curriculum.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Amanda Souza - Girls Who Code (Lost Episode) (UEN Homeroom S2Ep28)
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In one of our Lost Episodes, Jared and Dani connect with Amanda Souza, Manager of Community Partnerships for the Southwest with Girls Who Code. During our conversation we cover topics including: the role that Girls Who Code plays in Utah, the need for gender equity in computer programming, the skills that students develop in Girls Who Code, and the need for teachers and schools to get involved in teaching computer programming to students.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Amber Harper - Burned In Teacher (UEN Homeroom S3Ep7)
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UEN Homeroom wants to help you get burned in with education. This week we welcome Amber Harper, the Burned In Teacher, to talk about teacher burnout and how to re-energize educators. Our topics include: the reasons that teachers suffer from burnout, the three types of burnout and their characteristics, how to overcome anxiety and frustration as a teacher and more.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Beyond the Books (UEN Homeroom S1Ep11)
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This week UEN Homeroom welcomes Chris Jones and Nadia Pflaum, from KUTV's Beyond the Books series. We discuss the role of media in education, how citizens can get involved in education oversight, and where all the great stories about education originate. We're lucky to Jared Fawson sub for Dani for this conversation.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Brandon Jacobsen - Bringing Computer Science to all Students
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In this week's UEN Homeroom,we talk with Brandon Jacobsen, the CTE - IT Specialist for the Utah Board of Education, about the changing face of computer science in our schools. We discuss topics like: how is computer science being presented to Utah students, the role of computer science in all curriculums - not just STEM, what the job market looks like for students with a CS background, and more.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Bri DeLeon and Dr. Richard Thomas - Addressing Racism in Schools (UEN Homeroom S2Ep33)
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Dani and Jared are pleased to welcome Bri DeLeon and Richard Thomas, from Latinos in Action, into the Homeroom this week. During this powerful episode we discuss topics such as: How do we talk to students about racism? What does systemic racism look like in the education system? How do we encourage schools to celebrate diversity? How do we include parents and families into conversations about racism? And what are some strategies that can help create a more inclusive environment for faculty and students?

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Brittney Cummins - State of Education in Utah (UEN Homeroom S3Ep22)
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Dani and Jared are excited to have Brittney Cummins, Senior Education Adviser to Governor Cox, as a guest on UEN Homeroom this week. Brittney provides us with the State of Education in Utah and she shares her experience in her new role helping education. Topics include: how educators are excelling in Utah, the roll that government plays in providing assistance to education, the Governor's education agenda moving forward, and how Utah schools are overcoming the pandemic.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Charlie Fitzpatrick - Teaching Critical Thinking Using Space and Place (UEN Homeroom S3Ep19)
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Jared and Dani are back with another episode of UEN Homeroom. This week they welcome Charlie Fitzpatrick, K12 Education Manager at ESRI, to the podcast to discuss using digital mapping to help students explore the world around them. Their topics include: how educators use digital maps to change the way we teach students about the world around them, the ways GIS provides students with good problem-solving skills, free software available to Utah teachers and students from ESRI, and the role ESRI will play in that future of technology in our schools.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Chris Larsen - Future of UCET (Lost Episode) (UEN Homeroom S2Ep29)
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In another of our Lost Episodes, Jared and Dani meet with Chris Larsen, Director of Educational Technology for Granite School District and UCET President Elect, to discuss the impact that UCET has on classrooms throughout Utah. We talk about the different activities that UCET provides educators, the need for professional learning in education, and the future of UCET moving forward.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Clint Stephens - Technology's Impact on Rural Teachers (UEN Homeroom S1Ep2)
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Clint Stephens, SEDC's trainer-extraordinaire, join UEN's Homeroom to discuss how technology has helped rural teachers improve student learning. We talk about the difference when a teacher is the Science department for the school, what technology tools are helping rural teachers, and how the regional service centers are impacting education in rural Utah.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Cody Spendlove - Learn @ Home with District EdTech Leaders (UEN Homeroom S2Ep16)
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Jared and Dani are back with another Learn @ Home episode of UEN Homeroom. This week we are discussing what distance learning looks like with Cody Spendlove, Edtech Director of Alpine School District. As part of our conversation we talk about how to provide devices to a district with 80,000 students, how to keep kids safe online while working from home, and the best practices teachers are using to engage students in an online learning environment.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Cory Henwood - The Power to Empower (UEN Homeroom S1Ep22)
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This week we took UEN Homeroom on the road, literally, as we met with Cory Henwood, Digital Teaching and Learning Coordinator for Iron School District, from the front seat of a car. During this discussion we covered topics such as: providing students with choice, using technology to empower students, and Launch High School, Iron's soon-to-open competency based high school.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Dr. Allison Martin and Kody Colvin - Providing Support for LGTBQ+ Students and Faculty (UEN Homeroom S2Ep32)
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In this episode of UEN Homeroom we're talking with Dr. Allison Martin and Kody Colvin, both educators/administrators in the Salt Lake School District and members of FAM (Friends, Allies, and Mentors of the LGTBQ+ Community. During our conversation we focus on topics like: the key issues schools need to address when it comes to addressing the needs of LGBTQ+ students, improving our school culture to be more inclusive, ways teachers can help LGTBQ+ students feel safe at school, and more.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Dr. Ben Springer - Supporting Parents during COVID Learning (UEN Homeroom S3Ep11)
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UEN Homeroom is excited to have Dr. Ben Springer, Director of Special Education in Wasatch School District, as a guest on the podcast this week. Our conversation focused on how to support parents during COVID-19 by addressing the following issues: what teachers can do to support parents right now, how educators can keep students’ best interests at the forefront of our minds during these difficult times, and what students can do if they see a classmate struggling.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Dr. Cade Douglas - Learn @ Home with a Superintendent (UEN Homeroom S2Ep18)
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Jared and Dani are back with another Learn @ Home episode of UEN Homeroom. This time, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Cade Douglas, Superintendent of Sevier School District. Our conversation covers topics such as: how to work with community partners to share information with parents, the importance of the school district in keeping families afloat, and strengthening teachers and students during times of crisis.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Dr. Darren Draper - Inspiring Innovation in Education (UEN Homeroom S1Ep6)
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In this episode we talk with Dr. Darren Draper, Director of Innovative Learning in Alpine School District. Our topics include: what does innovation look like, what are the reasons why schools are slow to change, what is PIC RAT, and Dani shares an amazing tech tip.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Dr. Janice Bradley - Changing a Toxic School Culture (Rebroadcast) (UEN Homeroom S3Ep14)
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This week UEN Homeroom is pleased to rebroadcast our interview with Dr. Janice Bradley, Assistant Director with the Utah Education Policy Center. During the conversation we cover topics like how to deal with a teacher who's a "downer", what role does a school leader play in changing a toxic culture, and how can a teacher make a difference in a negative school culture.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added:
Dr. Laura Rogers - Learn @ Home with Higher Ed (UEN Homeroom S2Ep13)
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As part of our special, Learn @ Home series, UEN Homeroom connects with Dr. Laura Rogers, Assistant Profession in the College of Education at the University of Utah. During our distance conversation we talk about how she is managing her classes as they transition from in-person to online, the importance of compassion in dealing with this stressful situation and why you need to be prepared with Girl Scout Cookies.

Professional Learning
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Homeroom
Dani Sloan
Jared Covili
Date Added: