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  • UEN Climate Science
Episode 9: Climate of the Future is in our Hands
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

We already know that Rapid Climate Change is happening, but how bad could it get? The answer lies with us, human beings. That's because the decisions we make now will determine if the effects of Rapid Climate Change are mild or extreme. Scientists who study the climate tell us that if we continue to add carbon to the atmosphere at the current rate, the Earth will get a lot warmer in the coming years and decades. They use big, brainy computers to simulate what the climate will look like in the future.

Material Type:
Media Object
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Climate Science
Date Added:
Episode 9: Climate of the Future is in our Hands Teacher Resource Guide
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

Overview: We already know that Rapid Climate Change is happening, but how bad could it get? The answer lies with us, human beings. That's because the decisions we make now will determine if the effects of Rapid Climate Change are mild or extreme. Scientists who study the climate tell us that if we continue to add carbon to the atmosphere at the current rate, the Earth will get a lot warmer in the coming years and decades. They use big, brainy computers to simulate what the climate will look like in the future.
This teacher resource guide will help teachers present the "Climate of the Future is in our Hands" video in their classrooms.

Material Type:
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
UEN Climate Science
Date Added: