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  • A History of Achievement
A History of Hispanic Achievement in America: 6 - Hispanics Become an American Minority
0.0 stars

"A History of Hispanic Achievement in America" is a rich history that started 500 years ago when Christopher Columbus stepped ashore in the new world. It is a history of unsurpassed achievements ... of heroic exploits ... of unflagging courage ... and remarkable exploration. This program highlights the following events: 1898 - Spanish American War, 1905 - Noted Philosopher George Santayana Publishes The Life of Reason, 1929 - United States Begins Its Mexican American Repatriation Campaign, 1936 - Dennis Chavez is First Hispanic Elected to the U.S. Senate, 1944 - Luis Walter Alvarez Helps Develop Atomic Bomb and 1949 -Pancho Gonzales Becomes First Hispanic American Superstar.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Hispanic Achievement in America: 7 - Emergence of a Unique Hispanic Culture
0.0 stars

"A History of Hispanic Achievement in America" is a rich history that started 500 years ago when Christopher Columbus stepped ashore in the new world. It is a history of unsurpassed achievements ... of heroic exploits ... of unflagging courage ... and remarkable exploration. This program highlights the following events: 1959 - Ritchie Valens Initates Hispanic/Latin Renaissance in American Culture, 1961 - Emilio Azcarraga Brings Hispanic Television to the United States, 1963 - Poet William Carlos Williams Wins the Pulitzer Prize, 1963 - Joan Baez Sings at Civil Rights March on Washington D.C and 1965 - Cesar Chavez Founds the United Farm Workers of America.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Hispanic Achievement in America: 8 - Era of the Hispanic American Hero Begins
0.0 stars

"A History of Hispanic Achievement in America" is a rich history that started 500 years ago when Christopher Columbus stepped ashore in the new world. It is a history of unsurpassed achievements ... of heroic exploits ... of unflagging courage ... and remarkable exploration. This program highlights the following events: 1969 - Judy Baca Brings the Hispanic Muralist Movement to the United States, 1973 - Roberto Clemente is the First Hispanic Elected into Baseball's Hall of Fame, 1978 - Hispanic Golfer Nancy Lopez Wins Her First LPGA Championship, 1980 - Walter Alvarez Proposes Dinosaur Extinction Caused by Asteroid Impact, 1986 - Franklin Chang-Diaz Becomes the First Hispanic American in Space, 1990 - Dr. Antonia Novello, First Hispanic Surgeon General and 2001 - Linda Alvarado Wins Horatio Alger Award.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Jewish American Achievement: 1 - The Jewish Settlers Come to America
0.0 stars

Escaping persecution in Europe, Jewish pioneers such as Asser Levy and Luis Moses Gomez begin a new life of economic freedom and civil rights in America. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1654 - The First Jewish Pioneers Arrive in the New World, 1714 - Luis Moses Gomez Starts Thriving Fur Trade, 1778 - Jewish Americans Aid the American Revolution, 1819 - Rebecca Gratz Founds the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society, 1843 - B'nai B'rith is Founded and 1844 - David Levy Yulee is the First Jewish American U.S. Senator.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Jewish American Achievement: 2 - Jewish Americans Spread Out Across the Country
0.0 stars

Led by the bold entrepreneur Levi Strauss, the visionary labor leader Samuel Gompers and the great public servant Oscar Straus, Jewish Americans help advance the U.S. into becoming a beacon of democracy. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1860 - Uriah P. Levy Becomes First Jewish American Commodore in U.S. Navy, 1873 - Levi Strauss Patents Blue Jeans, 1876 - From Immigrants to Settlers: Jewish Americans on the Western Frontier, 1886 - Samuel Gompers is Elected First President of the American Federation of Labor and 1903 - Oscar Straus is the First Jewish American Appointed to a Presidential Cabinet.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Jewish American Achievement: 3 - Jewish Americans Succeed in All Walks of American Life
0.0 stars

Harry Houdini, renowned magician, headlines a magnificent cast of Jewish American achievers celebrated for brilliance in science, the law and an astonishing new enterprise: the motion picture industry. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1903 - Emma Lazarus Poem is Inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, 1907 - Albert A. Michelson is the First American to Win Nobel Prize in Physics1912 - Harry Houdini Performs His Greatest Escape, 1916 - Louis Brandeis is the First Jewish American Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court and 1919 - Jewish Americans Found Hollywood.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Jewish American Achievement: 4 - A Golden Age for Jewish Americans
0.0 stars

Writer Edna Ferber, singer Al Jolson and artist Max Weber are three of thousands of Jewish American men and women who achieve greatness and change America in the decades between the two World Wars. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1925 - Florence Prag Kahn Becomes the First Jewish American Woman in Congress, 1925 - Edna Ferber is the First Jewish American to Win Pulitzer Prize, 1927 - Jolson and Gershwin Bring Jazz onto the American Stage, 1933 - The Marx Brothers Release A Night at the Opera and 1938 - Painter Max Weber Founds Linear Expressionism.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Jewish American Achievement: 5 -  Jewish Americans and World War II
0.0 stars

Program five examines the darkest period of Jewish American life - the Holocaust and World War II. The selection of Bess Myerson as the first Jewish Miss America revealed a growing acceptance of Jewish Americans by the mainstream culture. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1939 - Albert Einstein Pens Letter to Support Atomic Bomb Research, 1939 - The St. Louis Carrying Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany is Turned Away from American Shores, 1942 - Physicist Robert Oppenheimer Leads Team to Develop First Atom Bomb, 1944 - Jewish Americans Fight with Valor in WWII and 1945 - Bess Myerson is the First Jewish American to be Crowned Miss America.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Jewish American Achievement: 6 - The Flowering of Jewish Americans
0.0 stars

The fantastic achievements of writers, scientists, and composers are just a few of the amazing stories chronicled in this program; including 20th century medical hero, Jonas Salk. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1946 - Aaron Copland Debuts His Third Symphony, 1947 - David Sarnoff: The Father of American TV, 1948 - Brandeis University is Founded, 1949 - Arthur Miller Produces Death of a Salesman, 1953 - Jonas Salk Develops Polio Vaccine, 1954 - Admiral Hyman Rickover Builds America's Nuclear Navy and 1961 - Jewish American Authors Expand Literary Genres.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Jewish American Achievement: 7 - Jewish Americans Enter Mainstream American Culture
0.0 stars

At last Jewish Americans are part of mainstream American culture; influential individuals such as Betty Friedan, Bob Dylan, and Mike Wallace perform important roles in women's rights, music, TV journalism and economic policy. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1963 - Betty Friedan Leads the Women's Movement, 1965 - Bob Dylan Shocks the Newport Folk Festival, 1965 - Hank Greenberg, Sandy Koufax, Mark Spitz, 1968 - Mike Wallace Establishes Investigative TV Journalism and 1970 - Samuelson and Friedman, Nobel Prize Winning Economists.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added:
A History of Jewish American Achievement: 8 - The New Jewish American
0.0 stars

Jewish Americans, instrumental in making the United States the leader of the Digital Age, recognize the need to balance their American and Jewish heritages. In this episode, the following events are discussed: 1970 - Judy Blume Changes Children's Literature, 1977 - Woody Allen and Steven Spielberg, 1993 - Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, 1996 - Sergey Brin Starts Google, 2003 - Mark Zuckerberg Launches Facebook and 2009 - Jewish American Doll Debuted by American Girl.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Women's Achievement in America: 1 - The Making of a New World
0.0 stars

The unique and independent American woman: adventurer... pioneer... poet... mother... educator... artist... freedom fighter. A History of Women's Achievement in America examines the 400-year history of American women's inspiring accomplishments and victories. In this program the following events are explained: 1621 - Women Help Found the English Colonies, 1650 - Anne Hutchinson and Anne Bradstreet Use Newfound American Independence to Express Themselves, 1773 - Phillis Wheatley Becomes America's First Black Woman Poet, 1776 - Abigail Adams and the Female Patriots and 1805 - Sacagawea, Interpreter and Guide, Aids Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Women's Achievement in America: 2 - The Era of Women's Firsts
0.0 stars

The unique and independent American woman: adventurer... pioneer... poet... mother... educator... artist... freedom fighter. A History of Women's Achievement in America examines the 400-year history of American women's inspiring accomplishments and victories. In this program the following events are explained: 1836 - Hispanic-American Juana Briones Establishes San Francisco, 1837 - Mary Lyon Founds Mount Holyoke, the First Women's College, 1846 - Susan Magoffin Travels the Santa Fe Trail, 1847 - Maria Mitchell is the First Scientist to Discover a Comet Using a Telescope, 1849 - Amelia Bloomer Publishes The Lily, the First National Magazine for Women and 1851 - Sojourner Truth Addresses a Women's Rights Convention in Ohio.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
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A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
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A History of Women's Achievement in America: 3 - Women Speak Out
0.0 stars

The unique and independent American woman: adventurer... pioneer... poet... mother... educator... artist... freedom fighter. A History of Women's Achievement in America examines the 400-year history of American women's inspiring accomplishments and victories. In this program the following events are explained: 1852 - Harriet Beecher Stowe Writes Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1852 - Emily Dickinson Publishes First Poem, 1856 - Harriet Tubman Becomes the Most Notorious Underground Railroad Conductor, 1868 - Louisa May Alcott Writes Little Women, 1872 - Susan B. Anthony is Arrested for Voting, 1881 - Clara Barton Founds the American Red Cross and 1885 - Annie Oakley, Calamity Jane, Belle Starr and the Women of the Wild, Wild West.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added:
A History of Women's Achievement in America: 4 - America Enters the World of Nations
0.0 stars

The unique and independent American woman: adventurer... pioneer... poet... mother... educator... artist... freedom fighter. A History of Women's Achievement in America examines the 400-year history of American women's inspiring accomplishments and victories. In this program the following events are explained: 1889 - Jane Addams Founds Hull House in Chicago, 1889 - Nellie Bly Goes Around the World in 72 Days, 1891 - Mary Cassatt's First Solo Art Show in Paris
1893 - Ida B. Wells-Barnett Crusades Against Black Lynching in America, 1904 - Gertrude Pridgett (Ma Rainey) Introduces the Blues, 1905 - Isadora Duncan Opens First School of Modern Dance and 1912 - Juliette Gordon Low Founds the Girl Scouts of America.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added:
A History of Women's Achievement in America: 5 - Women Begin to Transform Themselves
0.0 stars

The unique and independent American woman: adventurer... pioneer... poet... mother... educator... artist... freedom fighter. A History of Women's Achievement in America examines the 400-year history of American women's inspiring accomplishments and victories. In this program the following events are explained: 1916 - Jeannette Rankin Becomes the First Woman Elected to the U.S. Congress, 1920 - Edith Wharton Wins a Pulitzer Prize for The Age of Innocence, 1920 - Women Gain the Right to Vote, 1928 - Margaret Mead Publishes Coming of Age in Samoa, 1929 - Georgia O'Keeffe Visits New Mexico for the First Time, 1932 - Amelia Earhart Flies the Atlantic Ocean Solo and 1935 - Mary McLeod Bethune Founds the National Council of Negro Women.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added:
A History of Women's Achievement in America: 6 - America Becomes a Super Power
0.0 stars

The unique and independent American woman: adventurer... pioneer... poet... mother... educator... artist... freedom fighter. A History of Women's Achievement in America examines the 400-year history of American women's inspiring accomplishments and victories. In this program the following events are explained: 1936 - Eleanor Roosevelt Transforms the Role of First Lady, 1942 - "Rosie the Riveter" Joins the War Effort, 1950 - Babe Didrikson Named Woman Athlete of the Half Century, 1950 - Gwendolyn Brooks Wins the Pulitzer Prize, 1950 - Margaret Chase Smith Stands Up to Joseph McCarthy with Declaration of Conscience Speech, 1955 - Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat on a Montgomery Bus to a White Passenger and 1956 - Tennis-Pro Althea Gibson Becomes the First African American Woman to Win Grand Slam Tourney.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added:
A History of Women's Achievement in America: 7 - American Women Find Their Voice
0.0 stars

The unique and independent American woman: adventurer... pioneer... poet... mother... educator... artist... freedom fighter. A History of Women's Achievement in America examines the 400-year history of American women's inspiring accomplishments and victories. In this program the following events are explained: 1959 - Lorraine Hansberry's Play A Raisin in the Sun is Produced, 1963 - Betty Friedan Launches the New Women's Movement, 1967 - Lynn Margulis Explains the Origin of Complex Biological Life, 1969 - Joan Ganz Cooney Launches Sesame Street, 1973 - Roe v. Wade Strikes Down Anti-Abortion Laws, 1978 - Hispanic Golfer Nancy Lopez Wins Her First LPGA Championship and 1981 - Women in the Legal System and Sandra Day O'Connor.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added:
A History of Women's Achievement in America: 8 - A New Age of Equality
0.0 stars

The unique and independent American woman: adventurer... pioneer... poet... mother... educator... artist... freedom fighter. A History of Women's Achievement in America examines the 400-year history of American women's inspiring accomplishments and victories. In this program, the following events are explained: 1985 - Wilma Mankiller Becomes Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, 1986 - Oprah Winfrey Initiates a New Era for Women in Television, 1989 - Asian American Amy Tan Publishes The Joy Luck Club, 1997 - Madeleine Albright Begins a New Era for Women in American Leadership, 1998 - Pleasant Rowland Sells the American Girl Company and 2001 - Linda Alvarado Wins the Horatio Alger Award.

Social Science
Social Studies
Utah Education Network
Provider Set:
A History of Achievement
Ambrose Video Publishing
Date Added: