What do you want to know about AI?

by Val O'Bryan 1 year, 1 month ago

Hi all,

Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic right now, with educators everywhere scrambling to understand and adapt.  What would you like to know about AI? 

  • Do you foresee a use for AI in your context? (Or would you like to find a use?)
  • Are you concerned this is going to widen the digital divide and further disadvantage already struggling students?
  • Do you worry about being able to teach students digital/information literacy about AI tools? 
  • Do you need support learning AI tools?  
  • Something else?
Chris Haught 1 year, 1 month ago

I just had a teacher ask me very similar questions! Curious to see what others think! 

I responded with this:

On one hand there are folks that want to restrict/ban it, punish students who use it, use plagiarism checkers, etc. On the other hand, there are those that are embracing it. Matt Miller has a lot of great information on it.

For teachers, it can be a great resource for creating lesson plans.

For students, it can be a research tool, here are some great points.

I think it is going to initially be more work for teachers to change their process, for example, assigning a writing/research paper to a student and not providing any feedback until the assignment is turned in, then rejecting the whole assignment, instead of providing feedback along the way.  Scrible is a great example of how to guide students through this process. 

In UDL, look at the Action and Expression. Can students demonstrate knowledge in other ways besides a "500 word essay on xxx"?

Like I said, more work for teachers, and I'm sure you already do some of this, I'd be interested in hearing what you think!


There was a post on one of my librarian groups that asked, " i created a lesson plan using AI, but how do I keep my students from using AI to answer? and I think that is the question, how do we guide students to responsible use, like we did when the internet, cell phones, etc came out. Always circles back to DigCit skills! 

We are already using AI in our daily life (Siri, Alexa, etc), and it will be part of the workforce the kids enter.

LynnDell 1 year, 1 month ago

I want to find as many school appropriate uses for AI as I possibly can.  I want to create an interactive AI board in my library so students can see that AI is useful for more than just summarizing information.  An example for using 
AI is getting a recipe.  Thanks for any ideas!