All resources in USLA

Utah Educational Library Media Association – Working for Librarians, Teachers, and Students of Utah

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A. Assess and respond to needs of school library media personnel B. Facilitate communication and collaboration amongst UELMA members and between UELMA members and the public C. Provide and promote professional growth in a dynamic and changing environment D. Develop and support performance standards for school library media personnel E. Publicize the components and dimensions of school library media programs F. Act as a state affiliate with AASL because of the two organizations’ consistent goals and purposes G. Interact with local, state, and national organizations on issues related to school library media programs

Material Type: Data Set

Author: Members


Short Stories

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This lesson plan walks students through the elements of a short story to prepare them to write their own stories and then turn them into digital storoes that they will share with the class. 

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Jessica

Reimagine Learning: Better than Google - Utah's Online Library for Student Research

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Dani Sloan guide a session for K-12 teachers and library media specialists in how to enhance student research through effective use of the wealth of resources in Utah's Online Library. Participants will explore online databases through each step of the research process, learning how the research tools can help them cite, gather, organize and collaborate on their research.

Material Type: Lecture

Author: Dani Sloan