Counting on and back in tens to and from 100.
- Subject:
- Elementary Mathematics
- Mathematics
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Provider:
- Utah Education Network
- Provider Set:
- The Number Crew
- Author:
- Public Media Education LLC
- Date Added:
- 07/01/2007
Resources created or licensed by the Utah Education Network
Counting on and back in tens to and from 100.
Counting on and back in tens to and from 100.
Making models, shapes and patterns, describing models and determining which shapes have been used to make them.
Children should gain experience of making models, shapes and patterns, describing models and saying which shapes have been used to make them.
Recognizing line symmetry.
Recognizing line symmetry.
Addition and subtraction, using number bonds to 10.
Using knowledge of number facts and place value to add a pair of numbers mentally, within the range 0 to at least 10, and 0 to at least 20
Using knowledge of number facts and place value to add a pair of numbers mentally, within the range 0 to at least 10, and 0 to at least 20.
Addition and subtraction, using number bonds to 10.
Estimating, measuring and comparing capacities using standard units.
Estimating, measuring and comparing capacities using standard units.
Using units of time and reading times during the day.
Recognizing coins.
Two halves or four quarters making a whole, equivalence of two quarters and one half.
Two halves or four quarters making a whole, equivalence of two quarters and one half.
Saving the number that is 1 or 10 more than a given number.
Saving the number that is 1 or 10 more than a given number.
Recognizing coins and their equivalent money values; solving money problems.
Recognizing coins and their equivalent money values; solving money problems.