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Elementary English Language Arts USBE Resources

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Early Learning Program Technical Manual
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The purpose of the Early Learning Program is to improve the Early Literacy and Early Mathematics classroom instruction and student outcomes in kindergarten through grade three. The Early Learning Program establishes an Early Learning Plan that includes early literacy, early mathematics, and goals. The Professional Learning Grant is a separate application but correlates with the Early Learning Plan.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
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Science of Reading Evidence-Informed Core Criteria Checklist
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A critical review of reading programs requires objective and in-depth analysis. For these
reasons, the following criteria and procedures for analyzing critical elements of
programs was created. For clarity, initially identify the criteria related to essential components of a
core program with some specification of elements by grade level. Next, specify
elements in core programs that are not aligned with the SoR. Using these guidelines will
support this important evaluation process.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
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Science of Reading Evidence-Informed Core Curriculum Checklist
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The selection and adoption of an effective, evidence-informed core reading program in grades K-5 is a critical step in the development of an effective school-wide effort to align reading instruction to the Science of Reading (SoR). The investment in identifying a core program that aligns with research and fits the needs of learners in your district/school will yield long-term benefits for children's reading acquisition and development. A critical review of reading programs requires objective and in-depth analysis. For these reasons, USBE offers these criteria and procedures for analyzing critical elements of programs.

Elementary English Language Arts
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Utah State Board of Education
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USBE Dyslexia Handbook
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The Dyslexia Handbook offers guidance, resources, and appropriate supports and interventions for readers with dyslexia. It is also a communication tool for educators and parents to work together. Our hope is that both educators and parents will use the ideas and techniques in the handbook as a team. It is vitally important that struggling readers not give up on themselves; it is just as important that we as educators and parents assist and empower students with dyslexia to enter the world of reading feeling empowered and prepared for their future.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
Provider Set:
Early Learning
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Utah School Report Card- Early Literacy
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Early Literacy is a measure of students’ reading in the early elementary grades. While Early Literacy is not factored into school accountability calculations and does not receive points or a rating, reading on grade level by the end of third grade is a strong predictor of future academic success. Acadience Reading, formerly known as DIBELS, is a formative reading assessment used for both benchmarking and progress monitoring that is given to Utah students in grades 1-3. The benchmark data show the percentage of students scoring at each risk level and making typical or better progress by the end of first, second, and third grade

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
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Utah's Approved Literacy Curriculum List
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The following list has been reviewed and vetted to determine if the curricular program meets or does not meet the requirements set forth in SB 127 (2022). The review committee was only able to dive into programs that were submitted for review. The committee plans to run another review in the spring to add more programs to this list. These programs were reviewed using the Science of Reading Evidence-Informed Core Criteria Checklist. In addition, intervention programs were also reviewed using Utah’s Critical Features of Tiered Literacy Interventions document. Please note, this is not an exhaustive list and curricular programs will continue to be added as they are reviewed.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
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Utah's P-12 Literacy Framework
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Utah’s K–12 Literacy Framework intends to: Provide districts, charters, and schools with an evidence-based framework and self-assessment tool to identify strengths and areas for growth to improve student literacy outcomes and provide LEAs, building administrators, teachers, and other stakeholders with evidence-based practices that will yield positive literacy outcomes for students.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Utah State Board of Education
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