This video segment adapted from A Science Odyssey tells the story of …
This video segment adapted from A Science Odyssey tells the story of researcher Sir Alexander Fleming, whose luck and scientific reasoning led to the groundbreaking discovery of penicillin.
The students will play beach ball glo-germ. Students will gather information about …
The students will play beach ball glo-germ. Students will gather information about a disease of their choice using Utah's Online Library resources. The students will use Utah's Online Library to cite their sources. The students will create their disease project in google slides.
Students will identify what makes them unique. Students will identify physical differences …
Students will identify what makes them unique. Students will identify physical differences and similarities between themselves and other students. Students will learn the effects of treating people different because of race, culture or ethnic backgrounds. Students will learn to accept others differences.
At the completion of this lesson students will be able to: identify …
At the completion of this lesson students will be able to: identify situations that trigger stress; distinguish between eustress and distress; describe the stress response and how it influences performance; and develop strategies for managing or reducing stress.
This lesson integrates Health Standard 6 (dysfunctional eating) with Language Arts Standard …
This lesson integrates Health Standard 6 (dysfunctional eating) with Language Arts Standard 7 (imperative writing). It teaches students the dangers of dysfunctional eating. Students create a recipe for a healthy snack and present it to the class both orally and in written format.
Students will demonstrate health-promoting and risk-reducing behaviors to prevent substance abuse. Students …
Students will demonstrate health-promoting and risk-reducing behaviors to prevent substance abuse. Students will also demonstrate independent research to find academic information.
Students will create menus for a restaurants in small groups. The class …
Students will create menus for a restaurants in small groups. The class will use them as a basis to order a healthy meal. Students need to know the difference between an "everyday food" and a "sometimes food." "Everyday foods" provide excellent fuel for the body to work efficiently and "sometimes foods" provide inferior fuel to the body. We CHOOSE what food to put into our bodies. When we choose healthy foods, our bodies work better and we live longer, stronger lives. If we select unhealthy foods to eat most of the time,our bodies will have trouble working efficiently and will place us at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease or stroke.
How many calories are in your favorite foods? How much exercise would …
How many calories are in your favorite foods? How much exercise would you have to do to burn off these calories? What is the relationship between calories and weight? Explore these issues by choosing diet and exercise and keeping an eye on your weight.
In this lesson students will analyze their favorite fast food places for …
In this lesson students will analyze their favorite fast food places for calories, fats, and other nutrients to decide whether or not fast food restaurants can be part of a healthy diet.
Health and nutrition are growing concerns for Utah communities. Rising health care …
Health and nutrition are growing concerns for Utah communities. Rising health care costs and illness can decrease the effectiveness of a community in many ways. On the other hand, decisions that increase health and fitness benefit everyone. This lesson encourages students to learn about and adopt healthy lifestyles.
Students will be able to identify a maximum of ten feelings. Show a …
Students will be able to identify a maximum of ten feelings. Show a cause for that feeling. Show how that feeling felt by them can have an effect on those around them.
Students will be able to identify a maximum of ten feelings. Show a …
Students will be able to identify a maximum of ten feelings. Show a cause for that feeling. Show how that feeling felt by them can have an effect on those around them.
This video lesson shows students that math can play a role in …
This video lesson shows students that math can play a role in understanding how an infectious disease spreads and how it can be controlled. During this lesson, students will see and use both deterministic and probabilistic models and will learn by doing through role-playing exercises. The primary exercises between video segments of this lesson are class-intensive simulation games in which members of the class 'infect' each other under alternative math modeling assumptions about disease progression. Also there is an occasional class discussion and local discussion with nearby classmates.
Prior to starting the project students will take a home safety survey. …
Prior to starting the project students will take a home safety survey. Students will complete a powerpoint presentation on a foodborne illness and present it to the class. As an additional activity we will do an experiment on food safety
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